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Manual Stretching - Advice please for a newbie


Manual Stretching - Advice please for a newbie


Ive been doing PE for about two months now and have made some reasonable gains. I mainly jelq and do exercises such as horse 440’s etc. I have gained just over half an inch on girth and roughly the same on length.

However, i have heard a little about manual stretching and wouldnt mind giving that a go. I dont want to get into hanging bcos i just want stuff that i can do with my hands.

Do any verterans have any good manual stretching routines, and could they give me a bit of background on it - i.e. how it works etc. I would also like to know about any dangers and downsides to doing this. I have heard about possible nerve damage etc! I dont want to ruin my dick - i just want it bigger!!!

Cheers Guys

you could try v-stretches and behind the leg pulls


pull your dick out in the flaccid state, push down in the middle with your other hand (use a thumb) and form a v with your penis by applying pressure. works great and you should get a good stretch… don’t know of anyone who has had any damage with this, but don’t put too much pressure on. You should never feel pain

behind the leg pulls

standing with one leg up on a chair or stool, using the opposite side hand (if left leg is up, pull with right hand) pull your penis towards you butt crack, you should feel a nice tension as the base of you penis,

both of these exercises can be broken into ten second pulls or however long you are comfortable with

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Congrats! 1.5 inches in girth in 2 months! Some of the guys on the board would kill for that! I envy you! How long did it take to accustom yourself to thesae brutal girth giving exercises?

Have you thought of all day stretching? There is some good posts on here about that(ADS) This might also be something to investigate too.

But Goingdeep has it pretty well described as a start those two exercises!

Thunder I have continued drinking water, but to a lesser degree. I went insane drinking a gallon plus a day and couldn’t stop peeing! Don’t worry it was good pee! I don’t have the problem I describred before anymore.

I do sneak a glass of soda about once a week now! Or when i am out on a date or such. But I am probally at 1/20 my weekly consumption. No more tea for now either. I do take some Sprite though, I switched when i am out eating! Best i could do for now.

School is killing me with all this reading and work! But I just got my BIb Hanger and Power-Jelq. As soon as I move I have all the privacy I need in about a month or so. I’ll play catch up!

ajrcb8598r what is your routine? I think a ton of guys would love to know! Any supplements or devices? How much rest?

Thanks! TT

the best way to gain length

You mean you’re not interested in a Bib Hanger? I thought for sure you would be.

:D Yes, you would think that would be the “first choice” for length.

Hey TT,
Don’t overdo the Sprite either, at least have it with lots of ice! Glad you are feeling better and are sticking with the water as much as possible.

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Thanks a million for the advice! it really helped. This forum DOES CARE about its members!

Hey AJ,

You have been PEing for a couple of months and are doing Horse squeezes? Strange that you should take on that advanced exercise but don’t know anything about stretching. It would seem to me that you would have run in to stretching information long before you ran in to anything like the Horse 440”s. Unless you learned about PE from an abstract summary that someone spilt their drink on, that might explain it.

And a half an inch gain in girth in a couple of months??

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Hey Guys

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the replies, i will give the stretches a go.

As for the girth gain, i actually made that in the first 5 weeks, not two months. However, i have leveled off now and need to work much harder to get my gains! I went pretty much straight into the advanced techniques simply bcos they work - its no good pussy footing about for a couple of months first!!

I now what my body is telling me and i am careful so i dont see any problem. Anyway, heres my routine:

5-8 minutes hot wrap
10-15 minutes HARD jelqing
Horse 440’s and various other squeezes
5 minutes stretching
5-8 minutes hot wrap

Does anyone know how long i should be stretching for for maximum gains. I can stretch for about 10 minutes before getting tired or losing my grip - is this long enough?

Cheers guys


>I went pretty much straight into the advanced techniques simply bcos they work - its no good pussy footing about for a couple of months first!!<

that has to be the most dangerous piece of advise I’ve heard on this board ever. Need I say more. OK, your setting yourself up for a major injury. That’s the equalant of saying I’m going to hang let’s see I think I’ll start with 15 pounds.

>Does anyone know how long i should be stretching for for maximum gains. I can stretch for about 10 minutes before getting tired or losing my grip - is this long enough?<

what are you using vise grips, I’ve never heard of anyone holding a PE stretch grip for 10 minutes at a time. Seriously what’s your secret !


You’re a pussy footer! I can hold my grip for over 23 minutes 12 secs!

And then I change hands!



Oh, I thought you were going to say, “then I open the door”.

23 minutes 12 seconds, shit my momma can do that.

Hell, Dino once told me he fell asleep pulling on his dick and woke up the next morning still yanking on his schlong. Said he grew damn near 1/2” that day.

Just out of curiousity you using an overhand grip, ass backwards, full wrap around, between the legs pull, or what?


Last edited by ledzep : 06-07-2002 at .


Yes I spend a lot of time pulling my dick, what I have been doing lately is the pocket pull. You cut a hole in the bottom of your pocket and while you working or just walking you reach your hand through the hole and pull your dick into your pocket. You have to be careful though because one time I was in a store and I was talking to this hot chick and I got some wood and my dick came right out of the top of my pocket, it was very embarassing I had to walk out of the store like that.

Dino :)



I needed that.

Heck I may even have to give that one a try.

Talk about some funny shit.

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