Thunder's Place

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Masterbation and Hair Loss



I hope you can tolerate all our joking ;)

To give you a perfectly serious answer, it seems unlikely that orgasm/ejaculation has any substantial impact on man’s overall testosterone/DHT levels. As Westla suggested, the great majority of variation in men’s balding is due to genetic variation, not differences in lifestyle. Some guys have noticed an increase in balding when they hit the gym hard (you can find some threads on this if you do a Search for stuff on balding…), but even this is quite controversial.

Yeah, all joshing aside.

Para-Goomba, I realise all the genetic factors and such. I’m just looking for a link. In my family (quite large btw) I’m the only one with any signs of hair loss. When I mean signs, I mean, I’m the only one balding. On both sides, all the men have retained their hair until death (for all you sarcastic mofos out there), when it gets burnt (rim shot). The rest of the family seems pretty sexless. My own father is sexless 115% and has all of his hair.

Perhaps we should include this in the survey?

Masturbation don’t cause hair-loss, is only the local sensibility to dht that cause hair-loss!!

In Italy forum many doctor’s say this!!



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