Maximize results
Can someone smarter than me and who has had very good results answer these 3 questions - I have read and read and it seems there are just too many opinions on (#1).. Cold wrap or hot wrap immediately after a session? - Seems cold makes more sense. (#2) Rest days.. 1 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off: which is the best? - - I work out and know how long it takes to repair muscle, but not how long it takes to repair cells and ligs in an organ? I work hard at PE sessions - what’s optimal rest time?? (#3).. Static wrap to keep enlongated following PE - yes, no, maybe, and for how long? - Or — it does’nt matter? If you have had great results and can answer these 3 questions, I can only thank you, however; maybe God will bless you!! THANKS