I PE at night, and that definitely has an effect on my morning wood. Although, usually on my days off it comes back. Sometimes if I can’t PE for a few days, like when I go camping, I wake up with the most insane morning wood. I wouldn’t worry about not getting it. It happens to me too, but I just think it’s down time for my penis. Even though I don’t wake up with a huge hard on, it’s always hanging pretty low. I recently started taking l-arginine and that has seemed to increase my morning wood.
I get airplane wood too, but I never really thought it was a common thing with guys. Same scenerio though, especially after landing. It sucks, I usually have to stay seated until almost everybody gets off. By that time I can usually get it down enough to walk right. Sometimes just sitting for long periods of time gives it to me, like during lectures or road trips. It’s not as common as when I was 16 though.
"Things are more like they are now, than ever before."
30/04/06 BPEL-18cm; NBPEL-17cm; BPFSL-18.5cm; EG-14cm.31/12/06 BPEL-18.5; NBPEL-17.5; BPFSL-19; MSEG-14.3.02/09/09 BPEL-18.5; NBPEL-17.5; BPFSL-19; EG-14.3; BPFL -13; MSFG-12cm