Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My dick is getting bigger and it's AWESOME


Originally Posted by fuzzynaval
The more we can mentally align our attitude to our actions, the better results we will achieve.

I think that’s an important point fuzzynaval.

Feeling bigger is just as or even more important than actually being bigger.

Just look at the different stats of the different members here, lots of guys have stats others would kill for and still a lot of them “feel” small.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!


What type of ADS do you use?

I agree with the not measuring thing for the most part. I think that we can thank the hardcore measure-rs on this site for giving us that data, but the vast majority of people probably turn it into an (unproductive) obsession. Totally agree that the final destination of the penis is all that really matters. Is she going to feel your dick being 1/8Th inch longer? Probably not. Could she feel a 1/4 inch longer? Possibly. 1/2 inch? Probably.

I’ve been doing PE on and off for a couple of years at varying levels of discipline, and at this point I think I’ve only gained about a 1/4 inch, but I’m not sure because that could be just differences in measurement. I realize some hardcore measure-rs may reply with “well if you had a very rigorous measurement process etc. You would know for sure.” But that’s my point, I don’t really care if I gain 1/4 inch.

I also realize some hardcore PE folks will say “well if you could figure out exactly when you gained that 1/4 inch and how, then you could repeat that and turn that 1/4 inch into a 1/2.” Maybe, but I just don’t think I want to treat PE like it’s my job enough to spend hours and hours per day. Noticeable gains are key to me. Yeah it’s great to see start to finish, but anything less than 1/2 inch gain (or definitely 1/4) and I chalk it up to differences in mood, exercise, energy, diet, sleep, etc., and I’ll never find a way to reign in all the factors of my active life.

Lately I’ve just been doing about 10 min of jelqing in the shower but recording each day I do it. I need a simple routine. This way if I measure every couple months I can see, hey, there’s a quarter inch, I can check back and see what I did and I can focus on doing what feels right in terms of rest days and not worry so much about sticking to a specific plan. Or, if I see visible gains then I’ll measure, otherwise I’ll just do what feels good, try for fatigue and rest when I need.. That rhymes!

Also congratulations on your satisfaction fuzzy, you sound so happy.. You must have high and well-balanced serotonin and dopamine levels ;)


Like everything else in life you need to find a healthy balance and use the principle of moderation. There are people on this site who get too obsessed over PE in my opinion, however, that is my opinion. For their life, it may be perfectly reasonable to dedicate 3 hours a day to rigorous exercise and treatment, and measure very other half hour. There are also people who do too little, in my opinion, and whose couple of shower stretches twice a week just aren’t going to get results. Again, my opinion.

Every person has a routine that is RIGHT FOR THEM, and the successful people on this website have one thing in common: persistency. Some of the extreme success cases also seem to have another thing in common: obsession. You don’t need to become obsessed, but you are going to need to become persistant if you want to have some serious gains.

If I were you I would just do the newbie routine for 2 months and see where it gets you. Then I would add an ADS to the routine and increase frequency of routine, and length/intensity of jelqs. Just an idea.

As for my happiness.. Happiness is simply a state of mind, no material thing can bring it about, and also, the PRIMARY cause of UNHAPPINESS is comparing yourself to others. This is a fantastic site for sharing knowledge, but also sharing the fact that some members are bigger and smaller than others. Members with big cocks want bigger ones, members with small cocks want bigger ones, some members can’t get laid, some members bring home a girl every night, everyone is different, the key is being happy with what you have whilst also being happy that you are working to make it larger! Good luck!

I love my life


You’re right that everyone needs their own approach. One man’s hobby is another man’s obsession, even if they’re doing the exact same thing the same way. For me I feel like I’ve been on either side of things a lot, like I can be very disciplined and also very lazy, I’ve had some serious depression issues and also very happy times, I’ve been shy and lonely and also a charming man about town, so that has sometimes made it difficult to get a consistent routine. I’ve been persistent with PE, just not always consistent, if that makes sense. Anyway lately I am maturing and having a newfound confidence, and I have found thunder’s is a very interesting place where people talk very frankly about things you wouldn’t hear elsewhere, PE or sex related or otherwise.

Good luck to you too!

Good job man keep it up.

3/11 - 8.25 BPEL X 6.00 EG - GOAL 9.00 BPEL x 6.50 EG.


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