I agree with the not measuring thing for the most part. I think that we can thank the hardcore measure-rs on this site for giving us that data, but the vast majority of people probably turn it into an (unproductive) obsession. Totally agree that the final destination of the penis is all that really matters. Is she going to feel your dick being 1/8Th inch longer? Probably not. Could she feel a 1/4 inch longer? Possibly. 1/2 inch? Probably.
I’ve been doing PE on and off for a couple of years at varying levels of discipline, and at this point I think I’ve only gained about a 1/4 inch, but I’m not sure because that could be just differences in measurement. I realize some hardcore measure-rs may reply with “well if you had a very rigorous measurement process etc. You would know for sure.” But that’s my point, I don’t really care if I gain 1/4 inch.
I also realize some hardcore PE folks will say “well if you could figure out exactly when you gained that 1/4 inch and how, then you could repeat that and turn that 1/4 inch into a 1/2.” Maybe, but I just don’t think I want to treat PE like it’s my job enough to spend hours and hours per day. Noticeable gains are key to me. Yeah it’s great to see start to finish, but anything less than 1/2 inch gain (or definitely 1/4) and I chalk it up to differences in mood, exercise, energy, diet, sleep, etc., and I’ll never find a way to reign in all the factors of my active life.
Lately I’ve just been doing about 10 min of jelqing in the shower but recording each day I do it. I need a simple routine. This way if I measure every couple months I can see, hey, there’s a quarter inch, I can check back and see what I did and I can focus on doing what feels right in terms of rest days and not worry so much about sticking to a specific plan. Or, if I see visible gains then I’ll measure, otherwise I’ll just do what feels good, try for fatigue and rest when I need.. That rhymes!