I did the same thing when I started out. I didn’t do every single day though. That seems excessive, I guess it depends on what your trying to obtain. I think they encourage every day stretching for length gains. As far as girth goes you need to rest it.
I use to do three on one off. Now I’m currently doing one on one off. I think mixing it up from time to time is a good idea however.
You guys that keep doing it every single day should try this. Take a rest, and without masturbating or doing any PE. Let about 24 hours go by and test for soreness. If none wait another 12, you will be amazed at how sore it is after you rest it. Sometimes it takes time for the soreness to catch up. The question is, does it do you any good to keep breaking down the fibers without rest. The object is to get growth, not breaking down fibers, thats the process. Focus on results and try not to get hung to much in the process.