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my problem about doing kegels

my problem about doing kegels

hi everyone, i have a problem about doing kegels. I can’t do kegel more than 5 seconds. but i can do it more in the morning. could someone please tell me what is the problem. Thanks a lot.

Please tell us how you do your Kegels.
There are many different ways to flex the PC and BC muscle.
The easiest way should be to try to pull your penis inside your body (BC muscle) and try to pull your anus inside (PC muscle) as if you were trying to suck a fluid inside your anus.
Take a deep breath for about 4 seconds hold the breath 2 seconds and then breathe outwards for 8 seconds. While you breathe outwards perform a Kegel. This way it should be easier. With enough training you should be able to hold the flex for about 30 seconds. That is what I do. When you take the next breath (4 seconds) let loose and try to push your anus outwards as if you were going to the bathroom. Continue like this about 20 times. Take a rest for 2 or 3 minutes. Do about 3 - 5 sets. I take a break of 48 hours before I do the next Kegel training. This helps to build up your PC and BC muscle.

Try that and feel free to ask for different exercises. Also look through the forum. I know it’s hard to find some things on here, but there is an explanation of almost everything in this place.

Starting Stats: (all nbp) flacid: lenght: 5.5'' girth: 5.1'' erect: lenght: 6.8'' girth: 5.5'' hardness: 40 - 60 % 07. Aug. 04: (all nbp) flacid: lenght: 6.0'' girth: 5.4'' erect: lenght: 7.7'' girth: 6.2'' hardness: 90 - 100%

Thank you Jelqinator,

What you said worked out. But i have to read more to learn about BC and PC muscles. But before your reply, i couldn’t noticed the BC or PC muscle kegel. I only read doing kegels. Can you tell me where can i find more information about BC or PC muscles. Take care yourself.

thanks westla, i read your post and decided that it is the easiest way to locate BC muscle by observing it when peeing. am i right?

(Teşekkür ederim.)

Yes, that seems to be the easiest way for most guys.

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