Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My pubic hair gets in the way

My pubic hair gets in the way

Im new to PE, been reading here a lot though and Im slowly starting myself - Ive sofar begun trying out different excersises - and yesterday when I tried to jelq my pubic hair kinda got in the way!

I had a hard time getting a good grip and run the motion down smoothly because of it. Does anyone have any tips? Just shave it all off??

Surprise surprise my penis is tiny (5.4 inches EL) which kinda makes it hidden inside my bush :(

Current: (14.5 cm) 5.7" BPEL and (11.0 cm) 4.3" EG

BPEL Progress: [13.0 ---|------- 18.0]

Hi blup,

Go buy a mustache/side burn trimmer (I like the Norelco T760) and trim yourself up. I always go down to the number 4 on my patch (1/4”), and number 1 to trim up the shaft good. Then every once in a while, I shave the boys downstairs. It helps more than you can imagine when you’re jelqing. Not only is it easier, but trimming up will make you appear bigger.

FYI, 5.4 EL isn’t tiny. It’s average.

No, seriously.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

That cant be!? Or isnt EL same as BPEL? Im 13.5 cm bone-pressed while erect. And Im pretty sure the average is around 15 cm.

Anyhow Im way too small!

Current: (14.5 cm) 5.7" BPEL and (11.0 cm) 4.3" EG

BPEL Progress: [13.0 ---|------- 18.0]

Oh Im sorry, I noticed EL != BPEL. Please forgive me.

Current: (14.5 cm) 5.7" BPEL and (11.0 cm) 4.3" EG

BPEL Progress: [13.0 ---|------- 18.0]

nair and stuff

I recently started using nair around the base and then thought “what the hell” and did my nuts too. I should have done it years ago, i spent 2 days fondling them because they were so smooth and felt good. If I had done it before I would have put my nuts into my ex girls mouth far more often than i did.

Oh yeah removing hair does help me with my exercises. Only problem is ingrowns but they aren’t that common.

I hate hair down there! I pluck it once a month or sometimes an area once a week. It takes about 1500 plucks to get it all smooth, nuts included. Shaving leads to itching a few days later and with more ingrowns too. Also, the stubble sucks.

One of these days I’ll get it done permanently with laser, just as soon as I get big enough to make the female technician salivate.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I’m with SuperStroker — get a beard trimmer. Nair burns the hell out of some guys.

And lurky is right about your size. Did anyone notice Table 1 from the study someone cited in a recent thread entitled “in support of bpfsl”? As with the other studies in which actual doctors do the measurements, the average ebpl turned out to be less than 5.5 inches. I’m not trying to start another “what’s average” thread, but I thought it was interesting evidence converging with past studies, especially since it wasn’t even an investigation of penis size per se.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Thanks for the replies. I shaved this morning actually - left a couple of cms though (:

Current: (14.5 cm) 5.7" BPEL and (11.0 cm) 4.3" EG

BPEL Progress: [13.0 ---|------- 18.0]

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