Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NBPEL pre workout vs NBPEL post workout

NBPEL pre workout vs NBPEL post workout

When you measure your unit right after an intense but simple workout (stretch and jelq only) do you obtain different values than measuring after 24 hours or so? Is there some polls about this? I already used the search button O:-)

I’d say that it shouldn’t matter unless you’re burning inches off your fat pad during your workout. Because I don’t think any exercises give you instant results, so unless you fat pad changes or maybe a stronger erection after workout, it should not make a difference IMO.

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

Originally Posted by Shagnasty
I’d say that it shouldn’t matter unless you’re burning inches off your fat pad during your workout. Because I don’t think any exercises give you instant results, so unless you fat pad changes or maybe a stronger erection after workout, it should not make a difference IMO.

I hope you’re right. Yesterday I registered an increase of 7 mm in the last month, but this is the first time that I measure right after the workout.

7 mm are too much, but I hope I had some gains. The fat pad could be an answer, though I gained 1kg since last month, but as you say, maybe the workout temporarily makes it thinner.

I like the idea I could have gained so much, so I wait before measuring in the rest day :) In the meantime, anyone else has ever experienced so great differences in measures? Thanks for the support.

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