Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

need a tutor!

need a tutor!

I think when I joined this forum I read about mentor’s? Is this true? I wish one of you senior members would be my mentor until I can start seeing gains. Would anyone be interested in being my tutor? This would mean so much to me, because I truly am dedicated to this PE stuff, but find myself always having trouble comprehending what everyone posts. I ask for clarification on something, and someone directs me to another post that I can’t comprehend. Please forgive me for being incompetent. I just wish somebody would stand by my side and and communicate with me whenever I don’t understand something! Possibly if someone is willing to do this for me we could chat on yahoo messanger or AOL messanger so we could communicate more easily. If nobody is interested then I respect that, but if somebody is willing to assist me I would never be able to pay them back, but I would be so greatly appreciated. Okay I guess I will just wait to see if somebody will come to my rescue.

Oh You Didn't Know...

UnluckyItalian -

Here’s the link to the questionairre for being mentored. Answer the questions and PM me or Cajun.

Seems Mentors are spread a bit thin of late.
We could sure use some new guys in there to pick up the slack.

How ‘bout it gents, got a few minutes to spare to help PE freshman?

Builds good karma…

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

There’s always the chat button up top.

Okay thanks guys.

Oh You Didn't Know...

Hi unluckyitalian, are you really italian?I’m italian too, and sometimes I find it difficult to understand what I read in this place, because of my quite poor english.I’m a new member and I would like to start a program but I want to be sure to do the exercises in the right way. I think we could chat about it if you want so to reduce our doubts.


Good luck on getting mentors guys, I don’t have the time for it but Im sure someone will step up to the plate.

Check out the tutorials section as well as the videos gandolf did.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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