Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Comer Story-Jelqing Question

New Comer Story-Jelqing Question

Hi all,

First time poster and been reading and digesting as much as I can since about December last year. Feel like this is a brotherhood and love the camaraderie here.

Ill get to it. Started PE as I basically have a physical image complex. I’m a 6’4 bodybuilder so naturally size of any type matters to me. At the end of last year my penis size really started to get to me as I was seeing a new partner who wasn’t overly experienced in the bedroom and I was asking insecure questions about others she had seen. I was the “second biggest” she had seen despite only being with as many partners you could count on 2 hands and that seriously bothered me (my size: 6.5” BPEL 5.2” EG). I always had an issue with my dick size and never knew anything like thunders existed. For lack of better words I am very glad I have stumbled upon it!

I’ve been doing PE since about mid January, just the newbie routine. I have really eased myself into it and strictly adhering to time and heat guidelines closely. I liken penis training to the weights I lift, Rome wasn’t built in a day. About the only small change up I have made is the sequence in which I place the exercises being stretching before jelqing and then trying to change that to jelqing before stretching. I have since moved back to the stretching first as I have found a better response to that. My issue is this.. During a jelqing session I struggle to stay at that nice 50 to 70% erection for any more than say 3 strokes. I have found I can get a great blood push feeling through my shaft by kegelling hard before a stroke and using my left hand only with a relatively dry Jelq. I have tried wet jelqs with different grips but the left hand dry jelq with the kegel seems to work best.

I’ve always trained my body by feel and I feel like If the “contraction” so to speak feels good do it that way. In saying that I still really struggle with keeping any form of erection during. I also don’t get anywhere near that 200 strokes limit as I am half the time trying to work it back up to a satisfactory level to begin again. I feel like Jelqing is the cornerstone of any great routine for gains. Its always the one you want to do least that is the best for your improvements.

My questions:
1. Can I still make any gain inroads with a quality over quantity approach?
2. Do you have any tips for keeping that erection longer?
3. Is it normal to have to continuously work the erection back up?
4. Been going almost 3 months now reasonably consistently. Could I begin to incorporate something like a dick pump?
5. Is there any alternative to jelqing or can it be left out of certain routines? I understand its subjective to everyone.

I appreciate you reading this long winded question/story as I feel I haven’t really had anyone who could properly empathise with what deep dark thoughts go on inside some blokes (aussie slang for men) heads. I have always been one to look at things logically and when it comes to dick size logic gets the better of my conscious mind. Finding thunders now has atleast allowed me to see that something can be done about the cause of the insecurities and I can in some way alter my thoughts to love my dick rather than the latter.

Appreciate you all and everything you have done here.


I’m having the same issue you are when it comes to maintaining the proper erection level when jelqing. I have to watch porn to keep it going. Although I’m trying to cut out porn altogether.. Any input would be appreciated from the veterans.

I was also considering a pump to aid in this.

Also, consider yourself lucky, I’m starting out at 4.1 MEG, you’re already slightly above average.

Originally Posted by Kryptonian3
Hi all,

First time poster and been reading and digesting as much as I can since about December last year. Feel like this is a brotherhood and love the camaraderie here.

Ill get to it. Started PE as I basically have a physical image complex. I’m a 6’4 bodybuilder so naturally size of any type matters to me. At the end of last year my penis size really started to get to me as I was seeing a new partner who wasn’t overly experienced in the bedroom and I was asking insecure questions about others she had seen. I was the “second biggest” she had seen despite only being with as many partners you could count on 2 hands and that seriously bothered me (my size: 6.5” BPEL 5.2” EG). I always had an issue with my dick size and never knew anything like thunders existed. For lack of better words I am very glad I have stumbled upon it!

I’ve been doing PE since about mid January, just the newbie routine. I have really eased myself into it and strictly adhering to time and heat guidelines closely. I liken penis training to the weights I lift, Rome wasn’t built in a day. About the only small change up I have made is the sequence in which I place the exercises being stretching before jelqing and then trying to change that to jelqing before stretching. I have since moved back to the stretching first as I have found a better response to that. My issue is this.. During a jelqing session I struggle to stay at that nice 50 to 70% erection for any more than say 3 strokes. I have found I can get a great blood push feeling through my shaft by kegelling hard before a stroke and using my left hand only with a relatively dry Jelq. I have tried wet jelqs with different grips but the left hand dry jelq with the kegel seems to work best.

I’ve always trained my body by feel and I feel like If the “contraction” so to speak feels good do it that way. In saying that I still really struggle with keeping any form of erection during. I also don’t get anywhere near that 200 strokes limit as I am half the time trying to work it back up to a satisfactory level to begin again. I feel like Jelqing is the cornerstone of any great routine for gains. Its always the one you want to do least that is the best for your improvements.

My questions:
1. Can I still make any gain inroads with a quality over quantity approach?
2. Do you have any tips for keeping that erection longer?
3. Is it normal to have to continuously work the erection back up?
4. Been going almost 3 months now reasonably consistently. Could I begin to incorporate something like a dick pump?
5. Is there any alternative to jelqing or can it be left out of certain routines? I understand its subjective to everyone.

I appreciate you reading this long winded question/story as I feel I haven’t really had anyone who could properly empathise with what deep dark thoughts go on inside some blokes (aussie slang for men) heads. I have always been one to look at things logically and when it comes to dick size logic gets the better of my conscious mind. Finding thunders now has atleast allowed me to see that something can be done about the cause of the insecurities and I can in some way alter my thoughts to love my dick rather than the latter.

Appreciate you all and everything you have done here.


While jelqing you should be pumping blood into your penis which actually looks and feels like a 50% erection. But if your worried watching porn sometimes helps. For me it doesn’t as I get to hard then and 100% erection while jelqing is a sure way to get injured.

Also helps to finish every jelq or every other jelq with a kegel again great for sustaining erections and blood flow.

All I have read that you should be really careful while doing Jelqing.

I do believe you should use porn in order to be hard and do proper Jelq, Just pay attention you are not carried away and do it with 100% erection!

Hope this helps.

Welcome to thunders, you have an awesome starting size with good length and girth to start with.

Your issue is normal, and it’s normal for an erection level to subside with time. Just keep it up, and your penis and mind will get better and better. Kegeling is great, I do one for EVERY jelq stroke. It ensures great expansion plus I get an awesome kegel exercise in.

You may want to start by kegeling every few strokes until your PC muscles are conditioned, but kegels are a great tool.

And yes, quality is better then quantity. It’s the difference between jelqing and basically just masturbating/playing with your dick. Ensure each jelq is of quality. Do slower strokes, and start each jelq as far back as possible (I press into my fat pad a bit).

With time you will perfect the jelq, just like your workout routines. Just like with the gym, form and technique is everything.

Oh and I suggest getting very familiar with the jelq, and learn to love it. It’s the backbone to any routine, and helps to maintain and cement size. It also aids in increasing results from other exercises.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Find this book on-line and give it a read….

The Book of the Penis - Maggie Paley

Oh yeah….. Kegel <<<<

PE rules!!!

Sept ‘17: 5-3/4” BPEL X 4-1/8” MSEG

Now: 6-1/2” BPEL X 4-5/8” MSEG

I found that pre-workout drinks can effect EQ. You would think that it would help, but for me, it makes it harder to maintain the right amount of erection. I had the same issue for awhile and had some improvement lately. I workout too, but not so intense anymore. My diet is far better now which can help EQ. My supplements I take specifically for EQ are L-Arginine, Pycnogenal and horny goat weed. Plus some multivitamins and fish oil and all that. Anyway, I break it up during the day, one 1000mg L-Arginine in the morning and 1 500mg Horny goat weed. After work, I take those same two again, but also the 50mg Pycnogenal as well. Its for budget reasons I don’t take the Pycnogenal in the morning too. I found that I can’t handle as much pre-workout anymore either while taking these stacks, just too much it feels for my heart, haha. Half a scoop of some C4 Extreme is enough for me.

As for the Porn, I do not watch “hardcore porn” I guess is the right term. I will put on something light if I feel I need it to help, like just women only clips. I think if I watch regular porn, it will give me an unhealthy mindset and make me feel inadequate I think.

Hope this helps.

Welcome to the brotherhood. Maintaining the erection during jelqing can be a problem. Similar to other comments, I do a kegel-stroke-kegel type of loop.

But I also intersperse those with a move where I close off the base of my unit with an OK grip, then push down on the glans with the other hand. This expands the veins like crazy. It does kill the erection for the next minute or so, but then it comes back with greater force. No doubt there is some PE name for this; I’m sure it’s not something I invented.

Originally Posted by Kryptonian3
My questions:
1. Can I still make any gain inroads with a quality over quantity approach?
2. Do you have any tips for keeping that erection longer?
3. Is it normal to have to continuously work the erection back up?
4. Been going almost 3 months now reasonably consistently. Could I begin to incorporate something like a dick pump?
5. Is there any alternative to jelqing or can it be left out of certain routines? I understand its subjective to everyone.

Hi Kryptonian3 - great name, by the way!
1. You can still gain that way, but good, steady gains will be quality plus quantity. Tissues need continual stretch, so doing them great but not often won’t help all that much - some, but not like regularly stretching the tissues.
2. I’m not a porn fan, so I try to avoid that (plus, it makes me want to do other things with my erection.). I find things like helicopter shakes, even just massaging help to get blood flow back in and fluff me up a bit.
3. Yes. Erections are made for sex, so when your body realizes you’re not having sex it sees no reason to keep the erection there. You have to continually work it, as in #2.
4. Yep. We say 3 months of Newbie routine, then you can add pumps, extenders, etc - slowly at first, obviously.
5. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. But most of the advanced techniques involve a form of jelqing. It’s effective because you’re literally forcing the blood throughout the tissue, which causes the increased engorgement and tissue increase. So you don’t have to jelq, but stretching will only get you so far.

We’re glad you’re here! Reach out and get all the help you need!

Good luck with your goals!


Great feedback thank you everyone for your responses. Reading intently.

Originally Posted by Kryptonian3
Great feedback thank you everyone for your responses. Reading intently.

Listen you shouldn’t do kegels too much too as it might cause premature ejaculation too.

You should do Reverese Kegels too which will keep your PC Muscle balanced.

Good Luck.

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