Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy, an introduction.

New guy, an introduction.

I always though PE was a solely nonsense of porn sites and spam emails.. To my pleasant surprise there seems to be some truth to it.

Anyways, I’m not exactly a small guy at 6’2” tall and 190lbs, so my 5”, no show grower never really felt proportional.

I’ve been messing with some simple exercises for about a week

Starting measurement:

BP: 4 - 7/8” (Bad erections for a few months, more on this further in post)
BPFSL: 5 - 1/4”
EG: 4 - 3/4”

Starting concerns:

Long before I started any sort of PE, I’ve been having lame erections and loss of morning wood. Considering I’m only 21 this shouldn’t be happening. I have no problems getting it up, however its not as hard as it should be. It the past a full erection was rather uncomfortably stiff.

Any ideas? Should I be looking into the cause of this before doing PE exercises? I haven’t been paying it much mind until I started researching PE.

My goal is 6” X 5”, anyone have a say how likely that is?

You don’t give too much information so I can only guess. Maybe too much partying? Do you have a healthy diet? Do you exercise?

If you do start PE, don’t start with guns a blazing. Keep everything in the moderate range and avoid injury. It is a long process so patience and persistence is a requirement.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

First of all, welcome!
You’ve just found a forum that has rocked my world.
I started PE just a little over 90 days ago so I’m still pretty new to the stuff and had the same doubts and problems. I was loosing EQ really fast and got really concerned about that.
In my case I joyned my PE routine with exercises and diet in order to lay off my fat pad.
The results are, 1/2inch bigger, 100% increase in EQ and morning wood and also a great increase in my self esteem.

I hope you’re really successful in your PE journey and put in your head that this is a long term solution.

Starting in 06/01/2015 - BPEL - 5.813 / EG 5.313

Current - BPEL - 6.750 / EG - 5.500

ONLY Goal - 7'' NBPEL

Originally Posted by gprent
You don’t give too much information so I can only guess. Maybe too much partying? Do you have a healthy diet? Do you exercise?

If you do start PE, don’t start with guns a blazing. Keep everything in the moderate range and avoid injury. It is a long process so patience and persistence is a requirement.

No partying, drugs, or alcohol.

Diet is reasonable.

Exercise is on and off.

My job is rotating shift work so my circadian is constantly broken, but I’ve been doing it for years now.

Hi Foxbox,

Do you have any anxiety/ depression in regards your size ? I feel with myself this has caused erection problems. I have began Faster Eft which has helped clear up some negative thinking patterns in which I had about myself.

You may also want to get a blood test taken to see if your hormones are in balance. I would recommend checking out peak testosterone, this has a lot of useful information in regards this.

From where you are now, a goal of 6”x5” is reasonable for sure. As long as your committed to your pe, pick a good program, change it up once things start to plateau and you have a positive attitude towards the whole thing then I think you’ll reach your goals! Just don’t expect or get down when your goals don’t come in 3 months. For you too gain 1 1/8” x 1/4” might take almost a year or so, depending on the person, cause we are all different. Your stats you provide are also bone pressed, are the goals of 6x5” also bone pressed or do you want that too be non bone pressed?

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

6x5 is very reasonable, but it will take dedication and work.

You ask for ideas about your EQ, esp at age 21. Given that your diet and many other factors are reasonable, it is down to one thing (barring an internal penile issue, which I’d doubt). That is your sleep cycle.

I don’t even want to go into sleep and its importance here. Suffice to say that even if you think you are adjusted to it, it is coming at a cost. EQ is probably one of the ‘lighter’ symptoms associated with it. I would do heavy research on it, mainly because you are young and I’d sure love for you to hang on to your youth as long as possible and not give it up prematurely.

Best to you, and welcome to the clan.

Originally Posted by Shooting8
From where you are now, a goal of 6”x5” is reasonable for sure. As long as your committed to your PE, pick a good program, change it up once things start to plateau and you have a positive attitude towards the whole thing then I think you’ll reach your goals! Just don’t expect or get down when your goals don’t come in 3 months. For you too gain 1 1/8” x 1/4” might take almost a year or so, depending on the person, cause we are all different. Your stats you provide are also bone pressed, are the goals of 6x5” also bone pressed or do you want that too be non bone pressed?

A good 5.5” non BP, minimum, is fine

Originally Posted by BusterHymes
6x5 is very reasonable, but it will take dedication and work.

You ask for ideas about your EQ, esp at age 21. Given that your diet and many other factors are reasonable, it is down to one thing (barring an internal penile issue, which I’d doubt). That is your sleep cycle.

I don’t even want to go into sleep and its importance here. Suffice to say that even if you think you are adjusted to it, it is coming at a cost. EQ is probably one of the ‘lighter’ symptoms associated with it. I would do heavy research on it, mainly because you are young and I’d sure love for you to hang on to your youth as long as possible and not give it up prematurely.

Best to you, and welcome to the clan.

Thanks for the welcome.

I want out of shift work, but the situation/pay is too good to leave right now.


BPFSL: 5.25" EG 4.75

6X5. A very decent size. Not very big but over average, you know, decent.Yes it’s very possible and very easy if you commit.The question is not if will happen but when.Your erections will go sky high while on the way.So commit and be patient. Start with the linear routine and then proceed with the newbie. I wish you good gains.Try getting at least 6 hours of sleep minimum. Very important, It still is not enough but is the minimum accepted for your body.


We started the journey about same time. Congrats to you! I am going to follow you on this thread.

If you think you can or think you cant; either way, you are right.

Originally Posted by bill10
6X5. A very decent size. Not very big but over average, you know, decent. Yes it’s very possible and very easy if you commit. The question is not if will happen but when. Your erections will go sky high while on the way. So commit and be patient. Start with the linear routine and then proceed with the newbie. I wish you good gains. Try getting at least 6 hours of sleep minimum. Very important, It still is not enough but is the minimum accepted for your body.

An update,

EQ is back with a vengeance after more than a week of PE, thats one worry gone.

Due to “rave” reviews I ordered the over priced Bathmate. I don’t regret the purchase, the product has its place, and I believe its the main contributor to the return of EQ.

After my research and experimenting with what works for me. I found a few short duration pumps with bathmate combined with stretching and jelqing works well.

No adverse effects out side of some pretty heavy spotting/bruising on the glans.

Originally Posted by Abamaguy
We started the journey about same time. Congrats to you! I am going to follow you on this thread.

Best of luck, brah!


BPFSL: 5.25" EG 4.75

Careful with the pump. Careful.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Yeah whatever you do, always proceed with caution and moderation. Looking forward to your first report of growth.

One month update.

Nothing as of yet.

I’ve learned a couple things though,

I have a large dislike of stretching and a much better name for the Bathmate would be “The Testicle Terror”.


BPFSL: 5.25" EG 4.75

Yeah stretching can affect erection quality a little.Jelqing should do the trick

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.


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