New guy here
Just found this site and I must say I’m very impressed, such a wealth of information. I’ve been reading over the various forums/posts and I thought I’d introduce myself and ask a quick question. First here are my measurements:
Flaccid - 3”
Flaccid girth - 3.25”
Erect - 5.5”
Erect girth - 4.75”
As you can see I’m quite small. I’m happy with my erect length but what really bothers me the most is my flaccid length and overall girth in both stages. So I was just wondering if someone could tell me the “best” routine I should go about doing to increase my flaccid length and overall girth?
I know everyone is different but a general routine would be greatly appreciated.
Also I’m just curious as to if there are any other members out there that were/are as small as I am?
Thanks a lot,