New Jelq Technique - I couldn't believe how big my dick got
Last night I had an awesome experience!
I was doing my jelqing session, and am now getting the hang of keeping the pressure up in my unit.
My usual technique is:
Position an OK grip (not squeezing at this point) at the absolute base of my penis (80% erect) with my left hand - I do a kegel squeeze - then grip hard - with a strong tight grip move up an inch - then take my right OK grip (positioned under my left grip) - then squeeze the grip hard, keeping the position at the base. I then move the left grip up to under the glans (2 seconds). This I’m hoping will avoid pulling skin up - avoiding the ‘turkey neck’ effect. Then I release my left grip - lessen my right grip - do another kegel squeeze and repeat by tightening the grip and moving my right OK grip up an inch - then gripping tightly the absolute base with my left hand under my right grip.. And repeat by tightening my right grip - then sliding my right hand grip up to just below the glans etc etc.
It takes a while - with practice to get it right.
But THEN I tried something different..
Having been doing kegels every now and again over the past week or so I’ve noticed I can now perform much more powerful kegel squeezes - if I think hard about it (which makes sense because it is a muscle). I realised last night if I try harder I can pump much more blood into my unit when jelqing.
So I tried this:
First I warmed up by following the above for a few minutes - then switching techniques without stopping - I take a strong tight grip with my left hand at the absolute base of my penis, pushing down into the fat pad - I do a kegel squeeze - but this time I clench my kegel muscle as hard as I possibly can! (Forcing much more blood in) - I immediately squeeze my left hand grip tightly - and then taking a right OK grip (immediately above the left hand) squeeze tight and move firmly up to under the glans. Then - I release the right OK grip - lessen the left grip - and perform an even more powerful kegel squeeze - keeping the left hand in position I tightly squeeze again - then repeat the right hand OK grip movement - tightly - and move up to the glans. I repeat again - again performing the most powerful kegel squeeze possible.. Repeating the procedure. The new method does not use an alternating right and left hand, the left OK grip is always at the absolute base!
When I started doing this I couldn’t believe my eyes! My penis was expanding much bigger than ever before - my glans was huge. I thought the skin was going to burst! And for some time after the size remained.
Now that was a jelq! And I felt that session would have a real positive effect on growth.
I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the experienced guys here have tried this, but I wanted to share the experience!!
My jelq was added to seven hours full bore ADS, who knows maybe I gained an inch yesterday. Only kidding, but I can wish.
Any thoughts on the technique? Also, I’ve been careful to avoid injury so far, any advice on limits regarding jelqing?
Another couple of thoughts.. I use a skin moisturiser as a lube, and have found a novel way to warm up before jelqing.. Pour a hot brew (tea is my preference) and sit with it between your legs massaging your unit against the mug - really warms up and loosens the member! But best do this in private, as I don’t imaging hanging your dick in a cup of tea looks very good!
Cheers guys!