Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Member, Just Need Some Pointers!

New Member, Just Need Some Pointers!

To start off I would like to say this is a great site and most posts that I’ve read have been very helpful. As soon as I became aware of this site I started PE. I known of the method for a couple years now, but never knew that there was so much info on it.

I will soon get my stats and pics for all to members that are interested.

Now my question is about warming up most say you should hot wrap for about 5 min and stretch for 5 to 10 min. Now I was wondering will a
hot tub(hot tub being in place of the hot wrap of course) work for the warmup and i would do my stretches also in the hot tub.

I think I’ve got a handle on the correct way of doing exercises (Stretching and jelqing dry/wet i can do pretty good)

Thanks for listening and please respond.

First off, Welcome to Thunders, this place is amazing, which I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough if you haven’t already

I’ve been PEing for less than 3 weeks so I’m no expert but yeah, a hot tub does suffice as a warming up method, and I’d imagine even better if you can keep your penis warm whilst doing the stretches.

Good luck with your PEing.

The tub would be fine for a warm up, but be careful if you are doing your PEing in the tub. You want to be able to keep a close eye on your unit (at least until you’re experienced enough to feel when something isn’t quite right), so that you can watch for any abnormalities.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger


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