New member
Hello board
I feel very happy to be a part of this community, I am 25 years old and 5’10 200lbs and work out frequently, I do not want to post my “stats” b/c to be honest, I have gotten no complaints, however, I DO want to gain more size and strength. I started tonight on the newbie workout and found it to be quite painful. I knoe jelquing can be so I am prepared for what is ahead. I do howeve,r have a few questions:
I was wondering if there are any medications or vitamins, herbal or not to help with recovery or speed up the process. Also, I frequenly get slighly limp during sex, I was wondering what I can do to prevent this.
And finally, my main concern, when Iwas 21, I was able to produce copious amount of semen during sex that I could “shoot”, however four years later, I can’t do this, I was wondering what can help this