Originally Posted by Cabel
Hey fellas, I’m pretty new here and was largely skeptical to manual PE but considering the vast amount of anecdotes, I’m guessing there is some truth to it and have started out the newbie routine and would like to get some pointers and set my expectations correctly.So currently I’m about 5.5 inches long BPEL and have a girth of about 4.7 inches. My length goal is to reach 6.5 inches and have a girth of 5.5 inches This feels like a very achievable size and also a very accommodating size for both my eventual partner and for myself. For people with similar initial sizes how long did it take for you?
How much pressure should I put into my stretches and jelqing? I don’t have anything to go by so I’m asking for what I should feel while stretching it, should I feel discomfort, numbness, slight pain? Currently I’m putting enough force for it to feel uncomfortable but not painful.
I do have an issue with maintaining an erection while doing my stretches and to a lesser extent while jelqing, is this an issue? The issue itself is mental due to my excessive usage of porn and I am currently trying to ween of it.
I’m currently using a rice sock to warm up and it seems like a very good solution, what I’m curious as that during the exercise the penis will within the first 10 minutes go back to room temp, is this an issue? Do I reheat under the exercise?
What are some red flags I should keep in mind so I can stop before doing any lasting damage?
IF I were to reach my goal, do I need to keep doing exercises to maintain my size? If so, how long?
I’m pretty intrigued by the large amount of people here with already pretty large penises (7"+) that feel like they need to go bigger. I don’t really see any practical point of going past 7 inches besides for the more rare size queen or for aesthetic reasons. If you fit into this description would you mind explaining why you do it?
I think your goal is perfectly reasonable. There are guys who have gained an inch in length with just manual stretching. Everyone is different, but if you are dedicated and consistent it could take about a year (with a wide range of variation, some guys 6 months, some guys 2 years). Most guys gain rapidly at first and then things come more slowly, so the first half inch or so might take a few months and then the rest will come mm by mm. Or you might gain much faster. Some guys struggle to gain at all despite being very committed.
The girth might take a bit longer. Temporary girth gains are relatively easy. Permanent ones typically take much longer for most. So on average 0.8" of girth might take a couple of years. It also might require more than manuals, like adding pumping or clamping. But again, lots of variation in how log it might take.
Stretch to mild discomfort but not pain. Stretches should be done totally flaccid.
Jelqing can be done flaccid or semi-erect, depending on if your goal with the exercise is more length or more girth. Part of the process for maintaining the amount of erection you want for jelqing for girth is to train your kegel muscles to push blood into the penis. So while jelqing take the time you need to get and return to semi-erect. It’s also good to add a separate kegel routine for erection quality and some degree of ejaculatory control, so you might consider that.
I started pretty large and am still gaining. When I was single I quit for a while because I was finding that some partners were (happily) struggling with my size and the effort of PE stopped being worth the diminishing gains that required more and more dedication to keep coming. Then after a while I’d restart again because I enjoy the process and again start to get feedback from casual partners that made it seem like it was exciting but challenging and again life would get in the way. Now I’m in another period of training with dedication, partly because I enjoy the process as another type of bodybuilding, partly because I enjoy being large (both for a sense of feeling masculine and because the bigger I’ve gotten the better sex feels for me) and because my amazing wife enjoys me being large and so far she hasn’t complained but has responded with positivity. If it ever starts to be an issue I’ll go into maintenance mode, but, again, I’ve landed in the zone where gains come pretty slow, so increases have been easy for her to accommodate since they are small incremental changes.