Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New to exercises

New to exercises

I just started doing this exercises. And I am wondering if I am doing it right or not. Although, I have to admit that it feels good; wether it works or not. ( I hope it does)

Anyway, what kind of proof can I get that this exercises work?


Hi eisenhower good to meet you,

What exercises are you doing? Did you read the FAQ for how to do them? There is a lot of info in the newbie forum on how to do various exercises, its worth a read. If you have a specific question try to put as much info into the question as possible. That way the answer will be hopefully more what you need.

If you look at the progress reports/personal routines forum, you will see different routines and the results people have got. Also Size’s PE Data Site shows the gains people have made and in some cases the routines used to get them.

These exercises can take a little while to master.

I am doing the jelquing and the pulling. I have read all that information you mentioned but, I am still wondering if I am doing it right.

My problem is that I don’t have a lot of time for my self. and the other problem is that is hard not to get hard. So I spend most of the time trying to lose my erection. Any ideas on what I can do to help with that. The other thing is that I don’t get a lot of privacy to do much. Even writing this message I have to do it as fast as I can so I am not found out.

I will write again soon

Privacy is an issue for a lot of guys here. I don’t have a problem so I can’t really comment.

You will find that these exercises become boring pretty quickly and control over your erection will become easier.

With stretches you’ll just have to wait for the erection to subside, maybe continue the hot wrap until they do.

What you are looking for when you are jelqing is matching the hardness of the grip with the erection level. Though you need to let a little blood through the grip you also need to trap quite a lot. You should feel stress above the point of the grip all the way up the stroke. There will also be increased stress toward the head but you need to try and even out the stress as much as possible with the tightness of your grip. With the correct tightness you will probably find that you will tend toward losing your erection more than anything.

The amount of time you take on each stroke is also important. Try to maintain a 3 second or more stroke time (count: 1 - one thousand - two - one thousand - three - one thousand). If your stroke is too quick or you speed up during your session your erection may rise.

When jelqing correctly you can expect to have a much increased flaccid size for some time after the exercise. If you don’t have this you may not be stressing the penis enough to see gains. That said be careful, if you overstress the penis (especially when starting these exercises) you can cause injury.

These exercises have worked for me. Its a long term commitment though you need to be putting in 1/2 hr a day or more for 1.5 years plus in most cases.

If you have already read the info above you will have many other examples of people who have gained.

Hope that helps.

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