New to PE and hope to buy an extender
Hey everybody!
My name is Captain Kangaroo and I’ve been interested in PE for some time, though never knew how to go about it.
What I hope to buy is an extender, like size genetics (though it is expensive).
I have ~150 dollars saved up to buy one.
My current measurements are
7.2” BPEL
7” EG (at the base)
6.5” MS-EG
What I’m looking to do is increase flaccid length, because I’m definitely a grower. If I can break eight inches hard that would be damned cool too! I’m a little insecure in the locker room and have always been. The rest of my measurements are -
4.1” FL
5” FG
Can any of you guys recommend me an extender? I have done some reading on the site and am not sure which one to get. Size Genetics doesn’t seem to customise for girth which is a concern of mine.