Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

The start of a new year seems like the ideal time to start PE so as of tomorrow I am on the newbie routine, but only doing 50% to start during week 1, increasing to 100% in the 6Th, 7Th and 8Th week. I will be doing Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and emptying the tanks on Wednesday and Saturday. Sunday will be a complete rest day. This routine will require some early morning starts to fit in with my daily schedule but I think it will help me stick to the routine.

I’m going to do PE for various reasons: curiosity (obviously works for others, will it work for me?), size (currently 7” BPEL, 5.5” EG mid shaft but I have long fingers and it doesn’t feel thick to me. I would like to be 8x6 (who wouldn’t?)), treat for the wife (she’s done the childbirth thing, so some more girth would be good all round, and she does her pelvic floor exercises so it’s only fair that I reciprocate), and improved self confidence. I’m a grower, not a shower and have always felt self conscious when naked flaccid (NBPFL around 3 inches if the room is warm)

I’m optimistic about sticking with PE and I’m going to do PE along side improving my general fitness. I’m fairly fit for a mid-30’s bloke and I eat well but I’m really going to focus on all areas (diet, drinking water, aerobic exercise etc) to help maximise gains.

When my wife was pg she was all over the pg forums like a rash comparing experience with women of similar due dates, so I guess I’m throwing this post into the wild to see who’s starting out with me? Safety in numbers.


Right there with you buddy. I’ve always been curious about PE, so why not I guess. I already workout regularly.So I figure I’ll just treat PE like lifting, which is all about consistency.

——> 7,5 Nbpel

And we’re off! Finished my 1st session this morning. Did the warm wrap thing and 5 x 7 second stretches in the shower (kill two birds with one stone). Then made use of the wife’s body butter for 50 jelqs, followed by another 5 x 7 second stretches, then a hot flannel. As I mentioned previously, I’m going for careful steady progression focus on conditioning, with emphasis on correct technique, for 8 weeks. I’m not expecting any gains in this 8 weeks as this period is to get me ready to start a heavier routine. Then I’ll be scouring the forum to develop the routine. It will have to be all manual, as I don’t really have the “logistics” to use equipment. I really want more girth, and any length will be a bonus. Will post again this evening, to comment on how my dick feels through the day.

So far so good. No pain or red spots etc. Looking forward to my next session. Also did kegels at lunchtime. Seems a good idea to do the kegels at the same time as something else I do every day. Am going to put my data on the database if I can work out how.

Looks like this is going to be my log of PE. I’m still going one month on. I have stuck rigorously to 2 days on, 1 day off. Changes to the routine so far:

I stopped using a flannel and switched to a wheat bag for the warm up/down. It’s much more effective at transferring heat than the flannel. My unit feels warm right through after 5 minutes wrapped up.
I’ve steadily increased the jelqs to 100 per session and will continue my linear progression to 150 jelqs.

My unit has more pronounced veins and erections seem very full. Also ejaculation pressure seems higher. I’ve hit myself in the face a couple of times since starting, which I never did previously.

I haven’t yet used the ruler since starting. I like to think it’s getting bigger, but I don’t want to measure and find no change. I suspect this is common?

Now up to 125 jelqs per session. I’m also being really focused with my warm up (and down) stretches, combined with the wrapping. The result is that it’s definitely more elastic.

I’ve been avoiding doing any erect measuring because I want to wait a few months to see some definite and substantial gains. Also I don’t want to put myself off by seeing no improvement in a short period of time. However, I have never done a flaccid stretched measurement until this morning..

With no ruler to hand I used a can of shaving foam as a guide and did a bone pressed flaccid straight out stretch measure. (What’s the abbreviation for this?) Later checked the can with a ruler and was very pleased to see that my stretched flaccid measurement was 7 3/8th inches! This is more than my BPEL by at least 1/4 of an inch.

I didn’t take any flaccid stretched measurements at the start of my PE so can’t really say if it’s an improvement, but it’s encouraging anyway.


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