Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie intro to Group


Thank you:)

And it’s only fair you showed me yours since you already know more about my anatomy than my last girlfriend:)

She also trained her cat to shoot at me through open windows. Now we know what you ladies were really studying during home ec.

I am also new to this group but I can’t start a thread can someone help me here.

Welcome to Thunder’s, Jersey. You’ll fit right in.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


OMG please read and comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shit, Sunshine,

I was looking for a real Pussy!!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Last edited by ICM : 05-02-2004 at .

Hey sunshinekid, is that pussy that you show, a siamese, or a ally cat?

It is a blue siamese.

VanBuren, you can’t start a thread outside of the newbie forum until you have (please let me be right) 14 days and 20 posts in. You should be able to start a thread inside of newbie forum by clicking on the button that says new thread.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


Welcome to the gang, I hope you get all the gains you want, although I must say that your starting stats are still pretty impressive, you have about 2.5x the volume I started with!

(Lucky Bastard)

Anyway, good luck and I’m sure we’ll see you around with a sense of humour like that.


You can post new threads in the newbie forum only, since you are a newbie. You can reply to threads anywhere. Once your status changes from “New Member” to “Member” you will be able to start threads anywhere and get an avatar. This happens after about 20 posts and two weeks I think.


Damn Sunshine, you beat me to it.

Gotta learn to type quicker.


Thanks Horsehung and Lordbase,

What’s sad is that most of the concern exists only in our minds.

I’ve had lots of positive comments (granted they were purchased at considerable cost) and only one negative, and that was during a fight. But of course that’s the one that sticks in the back of the mind. Most guys are pretty much the same size wise.

Except for horsehung. You freak!!:)

I suggest we start a letter writing campaign to convince women that he is a threat to their existence.:)

If I can get over 8 inches length (over 7 girth would be nice as well) I’ll just lie my way the rest of the way to 9. If she is a big enough connoisseur to tell the difference, then she probably wasn’t the girl for me anyway:)


Trust me, you could probably tell most girls you have 9 now and they’d believe you. Don’t kid yourself, you have a good size unit. Don’t let some crazy arsed bitch make you feel bad for yourself, just because she can’t think of any witty comebacks, resorting to the low blows means she has nowhere else to go.

As for Horse, we all know he is a freak of nature, we’ve sent hitmen to try and “off” him, but he just batters them to death with his meat truncheon. It has a longer range than most rifles.


Originally Posted by horsehung
Shit, Sunshine,

I was looking for a real Pussy!!


What do you mean? That is a real pussy ;)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


Isn’t it amazing how one negative comment sticks in our minds? But it works both ways. I had a girl a long time ago, who was highly promiscuous, tell me she had never seen a dick as big as mine. You should have seem me “swell up,” if you’ll excuse the expression, with pride.

I guess we all on some level need people to affirm us and our attributes. You have a hell of a girth to start with! If you do lots and lots of kegels day in and day out, you’ll have a healthy flaccid hang in no time at all.

Good luck.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


To answer your question Jersey, I’m here for ED for correction rather than size increases (so far, anyway), but my pumping routine has produced good results in both over the last 2 months, including regaining 1/2” in erect length.

Hi Jersey, welcome to Thunder’s Place. You seem to have a great attitude about it and should fit in just fine. Like Philadelph said, just stay committed and you’ll gain. Good luck and have fun!

Lordbase: It was a noble effort. Off the tiny percentage of guys that qualify, and the rest of us can drop the PE,sit back, and watch a ballgame. I think the trick is to hunt them while they’re aroused. That way decreased blood flow to the brain makes them easy targets.

Horsehung. Thanks for the kind words and advice. It makes me almost feel bad about having to kill you. Fortunately I never feel remorse very long.:)

Stevie: Thanks. But actually I was hoping to have a hard time “fitting in”, at least that’s the goal.:)

Kandu: Good luck to you bro. Sound like great increases,even if the goal was secondary. I’m going to spend a few days reading as much as possible prior to starting. Hope I can match those gains


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