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Newbie PE


Newbie PE

Hello everyone.

I found this site after an extensive search on PE exercises. I started PE about 6 months ago and did it religiously for 2 months and did notice some gains and better erections. I was using a supplement too but I can’t remember the name now.

Anyway, I was searching on the Net and found on Ebay more or less the same starter program that is located here under the Newbie program. When I visited here for the first time, I couldn’t believe the wealth of information!

I’m 29 and live in the UK and am a yoga teacher. I find that I am very in touch with my body and I have successfully managed to have mutliple orgasms before, which for the uninitiated is unbelievable!

I measured before I started PE at the first step of the exercises, 6 months ago and pre PE I was 6” long and 5” girth. After 2 months I went upto 6.5” long and 6” girth. I was very surprised! Don’t ask me why I stopped, but I think the main reason was that I wasn’t seeing a growth in the third month, so back to the drawing board, so to speak.

Now, after not doing PE for approximately 3 months, I am back to 6” long yet 5.25” girth. My first question would be, is this usual to lose any increase in size after not doing PE for a while?

Now I know it does work, I have started my own routine, with slight variations to the Newbie program, incorporating more Kegels as I stretch, as I feel the tug back helps to develop in length.

Hi velvet,

What strand of yoga do you teach ?

>My first question would be, is this usual to lose any increase in size after not doing PE for a while?<

If you gain girth you can expect it to pull back your length, when you are fully erect. I think a lot of people don’t notice this because they look for maximal measurements and therefore take length measurements slightly off full erection.

But yes you can lose gains that aren’t (in the parlance) cemented. There are also cases of people who’ve lost gains they considered cemented.

I teach Hatha yoga, but I am learning ashtanga in my spare time. I find any type of yoga helps with Kegels and breath control!

Hatha is a broad spectrum by today’s clique ridden standards, focusing on āsana practice as if that’s it.

It certainly helps but not only with kegels and breath control imo. Understanding how to relax into a stretch, how to hold a stretch with minimum effort, and how to slowly lengthen goes to the heart of PE, but maybe you are finding this already.

Welcome to Thunder’s velvetdivorce, you say you saw an almost Newbie Routine on eBay? So does someone have to bid for it or something?

Hope you regain soon..:)

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Originally Posted by velvetdivorce
Hello everyone.

I found this site after an extensive search on PE exercises. I started PE about 6 months ago and did it religiously for 2 months and did notice some gains and better erections. I was using a supplement too but I can’t remember the name now.

Anyway, I was searching on the Net and found on Ebay more or less the same starter program that is located here under the Newbie program. When I visited here for the first time, I couldn’t believe the wealth of information!

I’m 29 and live in the UK and am a yoga teacher. I find that I am very in touch with my body and I have successfully managed to have mutliple orgasms before, which for the uninitiated is unbelievable!

I measured before I started PE at the first step of the exercises, 6 months ago and pre PE I was 6” long and 5” girth. After 2 months I went upto 6.5” long and 6” girth. I was very surprised! Don’t ask me why I stopped, but I think the main reason was that I wasn’t seeing a growth in the third month, so back to the drawing board, so to speak.

Now, after not doing PE for approximately 3 months, I am back to 6” long yet 5.25” girth. My first question would be, is this usual to lose any increase in size after not doing PE for a while?

Now I know it does work, I have started my own routine, with slight variations to the Newbie program, incorporating more Kegels as I stretch, as I feel the tug back helps to develop in length.

I think the problem that you have is that you did not cement your gains. The technique that I use for that is gain a full erection and kegel while pushing your glans to the floor while standing. Never go further then parallel with the floor. Do this 5 times of 20 seconds with a minute between. I have never lost anything with this technique.

First reply to drilla;
If you look on Ebay, well the UK one anyway and type in Penis Enlargement, you get the usual pills and stuff but then the programs. Nothing contained in them, until you pay for them that is!

Second response to Bird2;
Not sure what you mean, but I guess if I look up cementing I might find it?! Lol

Originally Posted by velvetdivorce
Second response to Bird2;
Not sure what you mean, but I guess if I look up cementing I might find it?! Lol

It could be that you find it there but I got it from a file that I downloaded form shareaza. That was my initial start of PE. I don’t know if I have the file somewhere, if I have it I will post it here.

Thanks for that Bird, when should I do these? I am currently following the Newbie routine, 2 days on 1 day off.

Should I do this after each session or on my day off?


Originally Posted by velvetdivorce
Thanks for that Bird, when should I do these? I am currently following the Newbie routine, 2 days on 1 day off.

Should I do this after each session or on my day off?


I advice you to do this after any workout. It adds 5-6 minutes to the workout which I find very reasonable. Due lack of privacy I do them twice a week after a workout for more than 4 months now and I haven’t lost anything until now. Looks to me that this works really well.

Cheers Bird,
Today is my second day on, so I’ll try it today.

Many thanks

Okay so last night I did the overhand jelqs and then I finished with the cementing. But I noticed I must have been doing the overhands quite hard because I got black discoloration on the head of my penis, but it went after about a minute.

Is this normal? Was I doing it too hard?

Originally Posted by velvetdivorce
Okay so last night I did the overhand jelqs and then I finished with the cementing. But I noticed I must have been doing the overhands quite hard because I got black discoloration on the head of my penis, but it went after about a minute.

Is this normal? Was I doing it too hard?

It isn’t entirely normal but it vanished after a minute so I think it isn’t much of a big deal. I personally didn’t get any of these black dislocations. I advise you to get an erection after every excersize because then your penis get the bloodflow that it needs to heal faster.

Thanks again Bird!

Anyway little funny story, I picked up some random bloke (yeah gay I know, shock horror!), long story short, he said he didn’t want to get fucked cos my cock’s too fat already! Ha ha, now that made my night!

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