Newbish Questions For Newbish People
This question is appropriate for the forums name. It really isn’t about PE itself. It’s more along the lines of navigating this site. You see, I’ve been trying to look into all the exercises on a more concentrated level, however I can’t seem to find a text list of techniques and such for the exercises. The wiki has a vague overview and the videos are especially helpful (thank you to those responsible, anyway) but I really would like an in depth view of the methods, or at very least what is readily available.
I have a couple others too:
Stretching: Is it done flaccid or at a certain level of an erection?
Lubricants: What is the longest lasting? I have used astroglide and some cheap target water based bottle (which surprisingly, lasted longer). I’m not worried about compatibility with condoms as I have a separate bottle for that.
Thanks to any and everyone who responds.