No real pump after jelqing
I feel like I’m finally getting closer to the correct jelqing technique, but I don’t think I’m there 100%. I’ve been doing the newbie routine, but taking it easy with stretches right now. Just doing about 2 to 3 minutes of stretches but 200 jelqs still. Now when I start I work up a slight erection but obviously not 100%. I squeeze down at the bottom work my way to the head, and when I get to the head, I put the other hand on the bottom. Rinse, repeat. The thing is when I’m done, I’m a little plump, but this disappears by the time I get out of the shower and get my clothes on. So I’m not sure if this plumpness is just from having a slight erection and it’s just subsiding. When I first tried jelqing years ago, I had done it once and was a lot longer and fatter for a lot longer so that’s kind of what I’m shooting for, but I don’t know if that’s what normally happens. I also haven’t been getting erections randomly throughout the day but have still been getting morning wood. My erections also don’t seem incredibly strong. There has been times when I have been plump and get stronger erections so I’m definitely shooting for that, but it never lasts.
Can anyone offer some advice? Am I squeezing/going at it too hard? Am I not doing enough?
Thanks in advance.