Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

добрый день всем ...

добрый день всем, я только началь работать над собой и не могу дать тебе коких либо предложений, но я работая по программе 5 минут - разогрев, 10 минут - растягивание, 20 минут - -джелк, и 50 напряжений членом с задержанием каждого напряжения на 5 секунд. упражнения 2 и 3 делаю с нарастанием каждую неделю на 5 минут

Good afternoon all, I only begin;start;commence work on itself and can not give you coca or offers, but I working on program 5 minutes - разогрев, 10 minutes - растягивание, 20 minutes - -джелк, and 50 voltages by member with detention of each voltage on 5 sekund. Exercises 2 and 3 do with increase each week for 5 minutes

Good morning Sosed,

Welcome to the forum. I moved your posts here because they may attract a Russian speaker.

If I understand your routine properly it sounds good but maybe a little too much jelqing (джелк) to start.

5 minutes - разогрев (Warm wrap)
10 minutes - растягивание (Stretches)
20 minutes - джелк (Jelq)
50 x 5 second kegels.

Here’s a link to a Russian Language PE forum you may find useful:

Увеличение пениса

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I work VWVget along 3 weeks 2 days of the functioning 1 day of the rest, has recently gained pomp and has solved to try at the end of the second day, visual result was not much by comparison after Jelq where my member to become big and commanding that pleases, but keeping principle постепенности, and convincing itself in that that real results will be in year I radium moment greatness of my penis at moments of the drills, yes as to pomps beside no skill of the use given equipment and approximite program, but that I little overdid and happened to to take vapour(pair) of the days rest but that red points appeared on head and breaking in muscle of the member but with Your forum I hope gain certain skills and results

привет, сосед! зачем же ты на русском пишешь? тут этого никто не поймёт.


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