Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Noisewater's Revival

Noisewater's Revival

Today I get back on the horse and start PE anew. I started doing PE exercises in December of 2004 and continued until March of the following year, but stopped due to a convergence of factors such as overwhelming academic demands and general lack of sleep and fitness. Perhaps this post does not belong in the newbie thread, but as I am approaching the whole process again it seems fitting. My records during that period indicate that I started at 6.5 BPEL and 5.25 EG, and later notes describe positive reactions at seeing length and girth increases, but these amounts were not recorded and seem to be inconsistent as far as being there one day and then disappearing.
In a few hours I will post my beginning stats and also start down the road to growth with a newbie routine.


Starting Measurements and Routine

Starting Measurements:
6.5” BPEL
5 3/8” EG

5 min heat
10 min jelq (slow strokes)
-Hot shower-
5 X 30 sec up stretch
5 X 30 sec down stretch

I am still thinking about how many days on and off to perform this routine so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I know the typical newbie routine stipulates 2 on and 1 off, but perhaps a low intensity routine such as this could merit an everyday approach. I think I’ll sleep on it.



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