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Number of days to jelq, limited?

Number of days to jelq, limited?

I am curious to know if it would be ok for me to work out more than 3 days on one day off? Like a 4 or 5 day on one day off. I have been mixing my routines around for a while lately and still havent seen any gains. I was hoping that by this time I would have something to show for the many hours I have put into this flip a coin growth. I have done 1 on 1 off, 2 on 1 of, 3 on 1 off…but that is the extent of if. Suggestions?

Originally Posted by cookie tree
I am curious to know if it would be ok for me to work out more than 3 days on one day off? Like a 4 or 5 day on one day off. I have been mixing my routines around for a while lately and still havent seen any gains. I was hoping that by this time I would have something to show for the many hours I have put into this flip a coin growth. I have done 1 on 1 off, 2 on 1 of, 3 on 1 off…but that is the extent of if. Suggestions?

I would not do the routine more often, in expense of rest days… I would rather change the routine than to sacrifice the rest days.
Its all individual but it is a fact that it is in the resting/healing phase the growth occurs. Perhaps you are doing the exercises wrong?

Originally Posted by shugoo
I would not do the routine more often, in expense of rest days… I would rather change the routine than to sacrifice the rest days.
Its all individual but it is a fact that it is in the resting/healing phase the growth occurs. Perhaps you are doing the exercises wrong?

My only reasoning for wanting to up the number of days is b/c nothing I do works. I mean Im sure I am doing a jelq correctly but no matter if i do 100 jelqs or 500 jelqs I still get no gains. Im starting to believe only some people can gain from pe honestly.

Originally Posted by cookie tree
My only reasoning for wanting to up the number of days is b/c nothing I do works. I mean Im sure I am doing a jelq correctly but no matter if i do 100 jelqs or 500 jelqs I still get no gains. Im starting to believe only some people can gain from pe honestly.

So jelqing is the only thing you have tried? I saw my gains even when I used jelqing only but everyone is different.
All together ive only been PEing for 3 months and ive seen a about 2/5” gain. And some of that is probably due to better EQ.

I recently added pumping to my routine, so I do both jelqing and pumping every session with 1 day on 1 day off.

How slow jelqs do you perform? I assume you are wet jelqing..?

Maybe you simply have to give it more time, how long have you been at it? PE I mean.
Ive read about some people that have been doing PE for 6 months with no results, and then out of the blue they started gaining.

Well Ive been on and off for multiple years now but I have stuck with it this time, I am six months in now. I usually do slow jelqs lasting from 2-4 seconds mostly, and the jelqs are wet yes. I just dont really know what to do here now. I’m kinda at the point where im just trying anything unfortunately.

Hi cookie tree what are you looking to gain first lengh or girth or both. I would of said you should of gained a little girth from jelqing if owt after 6 months. what is your routine are you doing any stretching with the jelqing?

Originally Posted by bad luck
Hi cookie tree what are you looking to gain first lengh or girth or both. I would of said you should of gained a little girth from jelqing if owt after 6 months. what is your routine are you doing any stretching with the jelqing?

I am focused mainly on length at the moment. I truthfully havent even measured for girth regularly b/c it isn’t my goal right now.

My routine at the moment is:
Rice sock 5 mins or till it gets cold
Stretch left, right, straight out, up, and down 2 times for 30 seconds each rep
V stretch 3 positions for 20 seconds each 2 times
Heli shakes 5 each direction
jelq 100 times
Do all of the stretches listed about again
jelq 100 times
Do all of the stretches listed above again
jelq 100 times

That is what I have recently started,.

Well the routine sounds fine am not sure whats going wrong for you maybe one of the old timers mite be able to help you better on this one. You could try an extender or hanging if your going for lengh a change mite be what you need if its been 6 month an its not working.

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