Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ocd disorder

Ocd disorder

Hi all
I suffer from a depressive and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and last month I decided to start treating my diseases with an anti-depressive drug . This drug contains an SSRI called paroxetine . Paroxetine is known for it’s sexual-inibitor effect .
Infact I’ve lost most of my sexual desire, and I make love with my SO only when she’s pushing me to do it .
I’ve also lost any motivation to do PE . I’m 6.85 BPEL x 4.92 EG and I’m unhappy with my size .
I have to say that my life is better, paroxetine really helps me and my disorder is really decreased . I have always loved sex (perhaps too much) and having something big in my pants was always in my dreams . Now I feel just asexuated and I think I’m losing time I could spend in increasing my unit . I also think that I’ll lose the few gains I’ve made .
Anyone here with the same problem ?



Odd, we were just discussing OCD. Before yesterday I would have recommended that you take fish oil—it does work very well in bringing back libido in people on antidepressants and has helped a number of people actually get off of antidepressants under their doctor’s supervision. But yesterday I learned that the high dopamine brought on by fish oil may exacerbate OCD symptoms—see this thread:

Female curiosity

In general low libido from antidepressants is treated with a dopamine drug of some kind, or switching the antidepressant to Wellbutrin, but with OCD this would be even worse than taking the fish oil. Don’t know what to tell you.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

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