Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

On Being a Man

On Being a Man

Men should act like men. Be your own man and be true to your self. Women want a man who is secure in himself, and has an aura of confidence. They will choose to spend more time, especially in a committed relationship, to a man who is happy with himself, rather than with an insecure man no matter how well endowed. I constantly read on this site about men who, although well endowed (statistically above average), still allow the negative energy of insecurity to poison their lives, and ultimately spoil their relationships with women. I now enjoy PE very much, and also enjoy my sexual relationships. If I was to use averages, I would say that 30% of all the women I have been sexually active with have had previous lovers of much larger penile dimensions. When I was younger, this would throw me off, but I later learned to accept my body and enjoy the woman I was with. In fact, in a way I began to be grateful that my lover had the experience of a larger penis, so that her curiosity could be satisfied, and she could decide if she was happy in a relationship with a man possessing an average size penis. I will also admit from a fantasy perspective, I enjoyed the thoughts of envisioning my girlfriend having sex with a well endowed man. In my discussions with women (either girlfriends or just friends) about their well-endowed lovers, some have expressed discomfort over a mans very large penis, others have enjoyed it (especially visually and mentally), and others have lamented the poor lovemaking style well endowed men have used on them. When women have commented on my penis (solicited and unsolicited opinions), they have all said I am larger than what average means to them. Their comments left me somewhat ambivalent, yet I realized that if I can bring them to orgasm, I should be content. I started PE when I was 36, and have only done so for 3 months. What drew me to PE was the realization that my penis started to shrink when I hit my thirties, as well as having some difficulty maintaining erections. The only time in the past that I allowed a girlfriend to measure my penis was when I was 20, and my length was around 7”. She never measured the girth. My penis is now roughly 6.5” in length when measured from the top(not pressing a ruler two inches into my groin —->OUCH) and varies in girth between 5” and 5.5”(base) depending on where I measure, with mid-shaft about 5.25+”. Prior to PE, I had receded to 6” length or just under, and my girth was between 5” and 5 and 1/8”. My expectations are realistic, and I’m more interested in re-acquiring hard erections. However, the gist of my message is this: it’s okay to be a traditional man, in fact it is desirable. This doesn’t mean one should act like a jerk, be irresponsible, or take advantage of those who are weaker. Be honorable, be chivalrous, be noble, be humble, be strong, and be compassionate. And above all, love yourself for what God has blessed you with. Much like I pump iron and do cardio to keep my body fit and strong, I too exercise my penisn for my sake, and the sake of my sexual health. If a woman is not satisfied with my penis, well God bless her in her quest to find a man who satisfies her. I won’t take it personally, nor will I be critical of her. Although I understand the anger a man may feel, I make the conscious decision not to descend into a negative low energy state of mind. I also remind myself that while I prefer larger breasts, larger vulva/labia, and a tight vagina, it doesn’t prevent me from being involved with a woman who doesn’t possess these attributes. Chemistry, depth, and intrigue go further.

Great website!!!

Can I buy a paragraph please.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Well said I agree with everything. Except the part about the sheep. I just don’t go there sorry… Or was that a different thread oh well.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

That was well said. You boosted my self confidence and other men should read your post. Thank you

Originally Posted by tamegomaith
In fact, in a way I began to be grateful that my lover had the experience of a larger penis, so that her curiosity could be satisfied, and she could decide if she was happy in a relationship with a man possessing an average size penis.

Well said. that is a very good way of looking at a situation that could easily be discouraging to a man.

IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !

I want 8,

You realize that Gorillas are notorious for having small penises.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Be a man!


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