Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

One year finished,my progress report.


One year finished,my progress report.

This is the first thread I’ve started here at Thunders, even though I have been a member for a little over a year. Just wanted to give the forum an update of my progress thus far in my PE career.

Before I became a member, I lurked for about two weeks and read at least a hundred posts. Based on the number of members here, and the quality of the info, I started to believe it might actually be possible to acquire a larger unit. The forum helped me immediately when I was educated on what the true size of the average man actually is. The combination of porn, and peeking at “showers” over the years in the locker rooms made me believe I was very small. Like many of you, it gave me a terrible complex about my size.

I finally joined the forum and started doing the newbie routine. To be honest, I didn’t think this PE thing would do anything. The weekend before starting the exercises, I was staying in a hotel room, and decided to take accurate measurements just in case. For two days I worked up as many erections as possible. My best results were 6.25 BPEL, and 4.25 EG. The girth measurement disappointed me now that I knew what average was.

Started with a lighter version of the newbie routine, and immediately noticed improved erections and more vascularity. About two months into this routine, I was stretching one night and I had a lig pop. It scared the shit out of me even though I knew what it was from the forum. Didn’t think it would happen to me.

Shortly after (about two weeks or so), I measured one morning after waking up with some good morning wood. I nearly fell over when my ruler showed 6.75 BPEL. It seemed to have lengthened one-half inch overnight! It took another couple of weeks before I was hitting this measurement consistently, but I was really surprised my schlong was getting longer. My girth also increased to 4.5” about this same time.

Things have slowed considerably since then, but I’ve stayed consistent with jelqing and stretching. About two months ago, I finally hit the big 7” one morning. It went away, but it is showing up more and more on the ruler. I’m hoping to be able to update my stats soon to 7” BPEL. The mid shaft girth is slowly getting to 4.75”, and is holding steady at 4.625. My glans has really responded to jelqing. It consistently measures 5” EG now.

Needless to say, I am now 100% positive PE works if you are consistent, and monitor your PI’s for over training signs. I’ve learned a lot over the past year from all the great members here at Thunders.

I am going to make an effort to contribute more to the forum in the future. I feel the things I’ve learned about PE over the last year will allow me to help give some insight to anyone who might need it. Thanks for a great forum everyone, and here’s to big gains in 09!

That’s :cool: .

Great story buddy, this is exactly what everyone especially newbies need for proof and motivation.

Start : Nbpel 6.2 x 5.7

Current : Nbpel 6.7 x 5.7 - Bpel 7.2

Hell yes my friend, 0.75 in one year is fantastic! I am really happy for you. You need to post more I’d like to learn more about your experiences.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Very nice story! :D I love reading these stories. IT makes me extremely excited, and I wish I had found this a LONG TIME AGO. But alas, I didn’t. So I guess I’ll just have to start now :D Hopefully, I’ll have a story like yours in a year :D

Second Attempt:

Starting [July 19th, 2013]: BPEL: 6.00" MSEG: 4.50" BPFL: 4.00" FG: 4.00"

Goal: BPEL: 7.00" MSEG: 5.5" FL: 4.00"


Great post and update on your PE journey. Your gains and progress gives us newbies inspiration. :)

Happy gains, ;)

4Foreskin ;)

Nice gains so far, congrates

Keep it up, and good luck. :)

Great story man, it’s posts like these which gives newbies like me inspiration, thank you for your update and good luck with your gains! ;)

Not only newbies, I’ve been at it for 4 years and it’s posts like these that will help me stay dedicated for another 4 years.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Great news bro, very good progress so fat. By sharing our success we keep each other motivated.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Very nice gains buddy, hope they keep coming keep us posted.

Nice job on the gains, keep it up.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

That´s awesome mate,

Keep up the good work

Congrats! Keep gaining!

Btw, Did you just do the newbie routine for 1 year?

When you get a BJ, life is good

That is basically all I’m doing now. At about the six month mark I started a little pumping here and there. I’ve also done a little clamping, but I don’t like that.I think jelqing is better than clamping for girth once you master it.

My current routine is: 5-10 minute warm-up with a clay heating pad, 15 minutes of regular stretching (up, down, left, right), another 5 minute warm-up with the heating pad, then about 15 minutes of jelqing. Nothing fancy, but it is working. I also do fowfers at night while I sleep. It has helped my flaccid hang tremendously.

My best advice to someone would be to make sure you warm-up every workout. I got lazy a few months ago, stopped the warm-ups, and my gains stopped completely. Now I’m doing two warm-ups, and it’s definitely helping with girth gains.

I do this routine every day. I’ll take a rest day if my morning wood is down a little, or if I’m lazy that day. What I like about this routine is you can do it stealthy under the covers, even if you have a roommate.

Keep it simple, and stay consistent. Good luck, and thanks to everyone who took the time to read my story and reply.

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