Originally Posted by Bird2
Yeah and I want to open a Dutch forum. The problem is if you continue it everyone wants a forum in their language. There will be more then 20 different languages here on thunders and you get only people with the same language together so there would be less opinions because not everyone speaks that language and thunders would be a less good forum.
I agree whit this
Although I’m a spanish reader I try to read the english forum, there are a lot of people more than in the spanish forum and people here are from all over the world so there is more stuff to learn about
Also is good in order to learn english that is very important. I learn english by reading the english forum (with more or less success!! he-he)
Greetings from Spain
Actual 01/10/06 NBPEL 12cm x EG 11cm,
Objetivo NBPEL 16cm x EG 15cm (¿Aspiro a mucho?)
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