Thanks for the response, Richard. I figured out what you meant in your original post a few days ago, I have just been avoiding using my computer the past few days (porn-quitting method).
I’m 19 days into the 5 minute stretch/ 5 minute jelq routine, and I measured today for the first time. I haven’t gained anything yet, but I haven’t had any negative PIs. There MIGHT be some slightly more prominent small veins in a couple of spots, but they are probably nothing new and wouldn’t be a big deal if they were. I’ve been keeping a detailed daily log about my dick, so I’m on top of this.
I’ve been trying to drop porn completely while simultaneously doing my PE routine. I have not had any problem getting hard enough to do my jelqs, but quitting porn has been challenging. I’ve gone periods of 11 days, and 4 days without Porn/Masturbating. I have avoided looking at porn or masturbating on PE days.
I know I probably shouldn’t expect gains in 3 weeks, especially doing a 5/5 program, but I’m only human. I will now shamelessly ask you to give me some encouraging/motivational advice to stick with the program, and tell me when I can realistically expect to see some measurable results? Thanks man
Last edited by WangSlanga : 03-08-2013 at .