Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE effects on daily life.


Originally Posted by paperazzo

I studied engineering and I have a lot of friends studying in a medical school. For my experience I can say that engineering is harder, but you know that you have 5 years to suffer pain in hell, than you find a nice job and you get a lot of satisfaction. For medical stuff you have to study less difficult thinks but to memorize more. So it is difficult to compare. Engineering is harder but you reach the goal sooner. Medicine lasts longer (as twice as long).

So to the addiction of PE:

I am addicted too, but I found a way to do not change too much my life. I schedule my PE-ing day by day. I have a reminder on my cell-phone that reminds me to train. So I focus my mind all day to other things (work, sport, friends, girls etc.) and in the evening when the cell-phone rings, I know that I have to train and to focus my mind to PE for the next 45mins. After the training I go back to the “reality” and go on living as I did before.

I think this is the best way to work towards the goal (a big healthy penis) without thinking too much about it.

I hope this can help you.


I was just making a joke I now where this type of discussion takes.

Originally Posted by rock900
I have been PEing for almost last 7 months.
Isn’t that enough time for somebody to get used to a thing if he is to?

I don’t know when it will come rock, but one thing I know, one day you will put PE on aside in your life and start to focus on your career (BTW great career, I was just make a silly comment that turn into a non end discussion) this is far more important than your penis size.

But maybe you will never forgot about PE, I see myself with 35 years still doing PE, but not religious you see?? Like a real hobby. Imagine you stretch religious until you make 35, you will get crazy about that thing, or have a 13” inch, don’t know, but what I know it’s that you will put PE aside (not that you will completely forget about) on day on your life.

I was in the med field just like you until I realize my passion wasn’t as strong as most to go through all of schooling. =(

Listen to everyone, get your career in line first, and worry about your size later. From looking at your stats, you are more than adequate, don’t let the size of other guys bring you down. Focus on your studies rock, PE will still be here for you once you complete Med school. However, you don’t have to stop PE completely, just take it easy, you miss a day then you miss a day, don’t make this into a lifestyle just yet.

You still have many years ahead of you.

I agree with Marinera you just need to set 30 minutes every other day to do PE. As far as medical anything goes you picked one of the hardest subjects to learn. I should know all to well about this line of study. But it does pay off in the end. If anything Pe can help you burn off some of the stress of much study.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole

I agree with Marinera you just need to set 30 minutes every other day to do PE. As far as medical anything goes you picked one of the hardest subjects to learn. I should know all to well about this line of study. But it does pay off in the end. If anything Pe can help you burn off some of the stress of much study.

Kingpole I have read many posts and thread of yours.

You seem to be very well endowed with this knowledge.

Are you belonging to the same field?

Started at :6.2"bpel; 5.0" mseg. Now at :6.8" sometimes 7.0"ish bpel; 5.0 mseg. Short term Goal: 7.5" bpel; 5.5" mseg. Ultimate Goal:8.0" Nbpel; 6.0"base and mid section EG

Kingpole is my motivation.

I had two relatives go to med school and become doctors and believe me they were way smarter then most.

They had to be able to retain tons of information and are now totally dedicated to there jobs. They knew the difference between what’s important and what’s not, the difference between right and wrong, well you get the picture, and they also punctuate a lot better then me, they also were totally dedicated to there futures.

College was there one and only priority besides eating and sleeping.

But as everyone knows you also have to exercise the body with the mind, it’s a great stress reliever, so just set aside a little time each week, I’m sure you can squeeze it in (No pun intended). Just don’t get obsessed with it .


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