I have more sexualized dreams on average after doing pe. It could be because I do them before going to bed. I get very excited usually. I don’t know if pe has been studied for its impact on the endocrine system. You have to figure it must do something to the hormone levels because it is placing stress on the sexual organs. I believe that a chinese pe guru has claimed pe if done correctly will help a man maintain higher levels of testostrone later in life, and help reduce symptoms of aging. Has that been validated by western science? I don’t know.
The bad part is that chinese medicine believes that loss of semen even in a wet dream is not a good thing. In fact its described as a syndrome with herbal treatments to help a man keep from loosing semen when he doesn’t intend to. Although I have these dreams, it hasn’t resulted in loss of semen, at least not for me. It could be the extended edging session that I do. I have developed a very high degree of mastery and can choose at any point to climax or not.