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PE Routine Not Working

PE Routine Not Working

I have been doing a dedicated PE routine for 9ish months with no results. I”be been pumping and stretching for longer but not consistently. Looking for suggestions.
My routine:

—10 minute warm rice sock warmup
—10 minute stretches. Up, down, side.
—20 minute pump
—20 minute jelq
—sleeve with a weight for several hours

I do get bigger during the sessions and I sometimes pump for longer because it gets really thick (mostly fluid).

Currently I am 7” x 5.5*. Would love to gain 1-2” in length and 1” in girth.

Any suggestions? One note: I still don’t pack my tube even though I am supposedly sized correctly.

What should I add? I am in my mid forties. In shape. Eat well. Exercise. Etc.

I should add that my erections are very strong now so thankful for that.

How many days per week do you do your routine ? Once or twice per day ? You could simply be doing too much.

Usually 5 days per week. Monday through Friday with the weekends off.

One more thing. I am trying to add heat now to my stretches. One thing I’ve noticed is that no matter what I do, my small flaccid size returns really quickly. Although I am 7”, I have always been very much a grower with a flaccid length that can get as small as 2.5-3”.

I’m doing 4 months of routine for beginners, but with no results. Help me too!

He’s my thoughts and the principles I’m following. I think for length traction will be by far the most efficient system as it’sso precise and controllable, for beginners to intermediates at least. I also think, that rest as in ‘completely doing nothing rest’ is a mistake and I’m choosing to rest in a passive stretch state, which is thought to aid recovery; at least as far as scientific stretching of other limbs (mainly tendons) are concerned. Of course, if there’s a high degree of soreness or injury, I’d advise complete rest until all soreness has subsided.

Think about extension of lips and ear lobes, does that endeavour involve rest periods? I doubt it. Now, every bodypart is different and there in lies the crux of the rest no rest debate. I’m firmly in the no rest camp, BUT, you have to have a highly developed awareness of when you DO have to rest, and that is a skill that takes a long time to develop, so the conservative approach is safer for most people, but far from optimal in my humble.

My advice is simple, if you want to speed up gains, learn all that you can about how to stretch tendons for flexability in a scientific manner, the key principles, and then apply those same principles to PE. My prediction is you’ll be handsomely rewarded.

Why are you pumping and then wearing a weighted sleeve? Your being counter productive. Focus on ONE exercise. If it’s girth you want focus on that. If its length focus on that. If it’s EQ focus on that. But don’t mix them on a daily basis.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
Why are you pumping and then wearing a weighted sleeve? Your being counter productive. Focus on ONE exercise. If it’s girth you want focus on that. If its length focus on that. If it’s EQ focus on that. But don’t mix them on a daily basis.

Ok so are you suggesting my current routine is also faulty then?

Day 1 I ADS hang, pump, then ADS stretch until i have to take it off for the bathroom

Day 2 I ADS hang, clamp, then ADS stretch until i have to take it off for the bathroom

Day 3 I rest

Should i start pumping and clamping in the same routine for Day 1?

And ADS hang and stretch for Day 2?

Originally Posted by unhung1
Ok so are you suggesting my current routine is also faulty then?

Day 1 I ADS hang, pump, then ADS stretch until i have to take it off for the bathroom

Day 2 I ADS hang, clamp, then ADS stretch until i have to take it off for the bathroom

Day 3 I rest

Should i start pumping and clamping in the same routine for Day 1?

And ADS hang and stretch for Day 2?

Or should i switch to 3 days on then a rest day?

Day 1 ADS hang and stretch
Day 2 pump
Day 3 clamp

what do you think?

Originally Posted by unhung1
Ok so are you suggesting my current routine is also faulty then?

Day 1 I ADS hang, pump, then ADS stretch until i have to take it off for the bathroom

Day 2 I ADS hang, clamp, then ADS stretch until i have to take it off for the bathroom

Day 3 I rest

Should i start pumping and clamping in the same routine for Day 1?

And ADS hang and stretch for Day 2?

Yes I do and judging by your last post you don’t really care about my advice so good luck!

My bad unhung I thought you were the OP and ignored my advice. Although in sense you are.

Yes I do think it’s faulty. Based on my experience doing both length and girth together whether in the same day or in the same week as part of a mixed routine is counterproductive. And it’s also dangerous. I’m great full for never having had an injury doing a mixed routine. But all the symptoms of injury were there.

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