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Penis Ballooning


Trigger zones are :- The glan, the area just below the glans, the underside of the dick towards the glans.

NT= Non trigger zones. Yeah it’s a good idea to gently massage the base of your dick .press your fingers deep till you feel your pubic bone. It’s forces more blood but doesn’t help you get off. Also gently hold the sides of your dick and squeeze it just less than half way up your shaft. This should help. No vibrators please.
Well bodybuilding ( or any other strenuous workout) will neutralise the DHT in the blood. Also sleeping is a good option since the body would try to normalise all the hormonal levels in the body .


All this talk about DHT and it being produced, reduced, distributed and neutralized. You guys need to find a source of information other than Dr. Lin (or disciples like Werner) for information about this substance. Massaging your dick will not produce more of it, remove any of it, or disperse it to other regions. Weight training will not “neutralise” it. I’m not saying ballooning/edging isn’t fun or that you can’t learn some ejaculation control from doing it. You can probably train yourself to “move energy,” that is, to train your nervous system to give you orgasm like sensations in places outside your groin. But none of this has anything to do with DHT.

Westla !! DHT

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the most potent naturally occurring androgen and is produced from free testosterone through the action of 5-alpha-reductace. 5-alpha-reductace concentrations are highest in the peripheral tissues (genital skin and hair follicles). Male and female pattern hair loss is thought to be due to the effects of DHT on genetically predisposed hair follicles. Binding of DHT to the hair follicle results in gradual miniaturization of the hair and eventual hair loss. DHT is primarily responsible for the physical changes that occur during male sexual maturation and is thought to be proportionally correlated to sex drive as well as erectile capabilities in men. In addition, DHT has been associated with benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) and prostate cancer.

Source :-

It is also worth noting that testosterone is burnt down during the sexual process thereby generating DHT which leaks into the blood stream


Originally Posted by godofdeviltry

It is also worth noting that testosterone is burnt down during the sexual process thereby generating DHT which leaks into the blood stream

Let’s see a source for this GOD and it cannot be Lin.

Westla I Not a doctor and surely I cannot get into the techincal part of it.This is What I’ve gathered from what I’ve read.. More unused testosterone = DHT = hairloss

Check the bottom para of the page. Also if you ran a search on google if could find a whole lotta info on DHT being the main culprit in baldness.

More reasearch about this subject will be on it’s way. What is said is not to prove me right but just to help all of us here. Hope that is considered:-)


Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
…if you ran a search on google if could find a whole lotta info on DHT being the main culprit in baldness.

No argument there GOD, it is one of the main causes of male pattern baldness in susceptible individuals. My problem is with assertions that testosterone is “burned” to make DHT and that DHT can be moved from place to place and other things that Lin promotes on his sites.

Great . Lets not use the word “burned”. Maybe “convert” would be a more appropriate word. I have not yet done enough research to ensure that Testosterone is converted to DHT during sex . I’m Doing more research on this . In the meantime if you guys can get some feedback it would help us all.


Ballooning-DHT-hair loss??

Just bringing this thread back up because I noticed when I used to wank a lot but without cumming (say 20hrs of wanking per ejaculation 3-5 days) I noticed a lot of hair loss and bad acne. Also doing bodybuilding though. When I stopped this process my hair improved or never got much worse so quickly. I am a believer that ballooning etc really imporves erection quality and may increase penis size and am keen to restart. Just wondering if there has been anymore thoughts on the ballooning-DHT-hair loss theory?

For any newbies who come across this thread and wonder what the hell "ballooning" is: Ballooning Demystified


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