Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Classification

Penis Classification

I had a thought about having a way to put your penis into a certain category to help gains. You could compare what has worked with others in the same category.
Class 1
Glands girth larger than shaft girth, erect shaft rigid not bendable, base girth smaller than shaft

Class 2
Glands girth smaller than shaft girth , erect penis flexible , glands very soft when erect ,base girth larger than shaft

Something along those lines. You could even break the penis into sections such as ,glands ,shaft and base. Then you could evaluate yourself and say i have a number 3 glans , number 1 shaft and a number 5 base and your number would be 315. You then could check out other people with the same number and see what kind off PE worked or didn’t work for them. Just an idea i thought would be cool and easier to do than asking someone there routine every time they post that they’ve gained. Let me know what you guys think,good or bad idea

Start: 6.25 bp , 5.75 nbp el , 4.75 meg

Now: 7.25 bp , 6.5 nbp el , 5.25 meg

Goal: 8.5 bp , 7.5 nbp el , 6.0 meg

I like your idea. I wonder if there is any theory as to why penises are shaped differently, whether it’s just genetic or masturbation induced etc.

Penis shape has nothing to do with what kind off PE will or won’t work for you.

Start: 8 BPEL- 7.5 NBPEL - 5.5 midEG

Current: 8.6 BPEL - 8 NBPEL - 5.8 midEG

I wish You all kinds of gains!

That was just an example but i do think it still could have somthing to do with it

Start: 6.25 bp , 5.75 nbp el , 4.75 meg

Now: 7.25 bp , 6.5 nbp el , 5.25 meg

Goal: 8.5 bp , 7.5 nbp el , 6.0 meg

Originally Posted by MrJacobo
Penis shape has nothing to do with what kind off PE will or won’t work for you.

Is there proof? While I agree that some aspects probably aren’t affected (stretching related) anatomy dependant exercises (mainly girth exercises) seem like they could be.


Your idea has some kind of appeal, for several reasons in my eyes. It could be interesting for the sake of PE science to know which “class” of penis reacts to which kind of PE exercises. And the even more interesting question could be, if PE exercises end up in penis changing it’s shape (not only it’s dimensions)

I personally keep record of girth measurements at base (EGB), middle (EGM) and top of the erect shaft (EGT, measured right “behind” the glans) plus the glans circumference itself (EGG). All together with the BPEL and NBEL as well as the EGL (erect glans length) values, this gives me a rather solid data foundation to keep track of changes in form. And I calculate a “form factor” by dividing mid-section girth by BPEL, abreviated EGLI (Erect girth length index).

Initially, am stats were (all in inches, EGLI being a factor without dimension)
8.35; 1.77; 5.91; 5.51; 5.31; 6.14; 0.66

After three months, the same values are
8.70; 1.97; 6.42; 5.79; 5.67; 6.38; 0.67

So, in terms of form I would describe my dick as follows:
- Long and in proportion to length rather thin.
- Shaft is conical, the base being considerably thicker than the top.
- The glans has, compared to the shaft, a bigger bore.

And the changes over three months of Newbie routine would then be:
- The overall form factor EGLI does not change.
- The gans length compared to BPEL does not change neither.
- The girth increase at the base of the shaft is noticeably faster than mid-shaft, top-shaft or for the glans
- In conclusion, the dick keeps its shape aspects in length, but got even more cone shaped for the shaft.

Maybe we could raise some interest in the community to proceed for more detailed measurements.
Especially for the one looking for a change in just one or two specific values in girth or length.

Just a nitpickers opinion who keeps an overinflated PE record :-)

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