Penis Classification
I had a thought about having a way to put your penis into a certain category to help gains. You could compare what has worked with others in the same category.
Class 1
Glands girth larger than shaft girth, erect shaft rigid not bendable, base girth smaller than shaft
Class 2
Glands girth smaller than shaft girth , erect penis flexible , glands very soft when erect ,base girth larger than shaft
Something along those lines. You could even break the penis into sections such as ,glands ,shaft and base. Then you could evaluate yourself and say i have a number 3 glans , number 1 shaft and a number 5 base and your number would be 315. You then could check out other people with the same number and see what kind off PE worked or didn’t work for them. Just an idea i thought would be cool and easier to do than asking someone there routine every time they post that they’ve gained. Let me know what you guys think,good or bad idea
Start: 6.25 bp , 5.75 nbp el , 4.75 meg
Now: 7.25 bp , 6.5 nbp el , 5.25 meg
Goal: 8.5 bp , 7.5 nbp el , 6.0 meg