Penis condition/consistancy after a workout
Like the title says, I was wanting to hear from both the newbies AND the veterans to compare what they feel the consistency of their penis is the same day after a workout, and then 1 day later.
Myself, for example, mine is fuller directly following a workout for maybe 1/2 hour at best, then goes back to normal size, then the next day it’s mushy, smaller, and kind of weak feeling for most of the day while it’s healing (VERY elastic feeling, I dont know if this is a good sign or not). The next day (3rd day) it’s back to normal and ready for a workout again. I may seem to over train easy as I’m just starting PE with just a few weeks under my belt. I know some people can take anything that they throw at their dicks without any over training signs.
So I was hoping to get a bunch of replies on this so we might be able to determine if there is a ‘trend’ or ‘common sign’ that some (not all) go through as a newbie, and then how it compares to what a veteran of more then 3 months might see for a post workout condition in his penis.
Thanks, I hope that was not too confusing.