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Penis Doesn't response to Vacuum Pump

Penis Doesn't response to Vacuum Pump

Hi, I am doing vacuum pumping for the last 17 days and it was working excellence except for two days. Today i have noticed that my penis didn’t erect or expand during vacuum pumping. It happened twice during 17 days vacuum pumping exercise that my penis didn’t work or blood didn’t come in it. Vacuum pump is working well. Does any body news the reason of this irresponsiveness of my penis to Vacuum therapy. Moreover, I have pubic hairs, may be some air is entering in the vacuum cylinder from the pubic base.

It’s overwork buddy. Keep pressure down and/or lower frequency. Take some days off to begin with.

Thanks Marinera, you seems to be correct because I have taken only two days rest in the last 17 days. Today I have tried to do Vacuum pumping after shaving off my pubic hairs, but still my penis did grow in vacuum pump for 10 minutes and then it starts expending. I daily do for 20 to 30 minutes without taking a day off, I should take a day off in a week, what u say?

‘You’ not ‘u’ please. If you experience symptoms of overwork (like low erection quality) sure you should take days off. You should also check the pressure you are pumping with; pumping experts suggest to stay on 2-3 hg most of the time, and never go over 6 hg. If your pump has no pressure gauge I suggest you investing in one. With very low pressures you could pump 6 days per week without much trouble. Any kind of PE shouldn’t be done 7 days per week IMHO.

I’ll second that . For me , I use as low a pressure as possible , for as long as I can .

Also I like to pulse the tube .

I take a break after 15 or 20 min . just to let him breathe .

It’s easy to overdo pumping .

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

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