Penis power
Good day !
I have a penis that measures 6,5-6,8 inches(16-17cm)
And 5,5 inches girth(14cm)
Wich isn’t small nor big.
So the problem isn’t the size of the penis(wouldn’t complain if I could have more;)
But how it works.
I want the best performing penis that is possible for my body/genetics.
So my question is what is the ultimate nutrition/diet/body fat/exercises to build a power penis(aware of that the penis isn’t a muscle)
I have set up a small list of some things to start with.
- Take of a lot of body fat with weight training+healty food and cardio
- Increase testosterone with healty fats and zink/minerals/vitamins wich?? Amount??
- Try to sleep more
- Much much less porn
- Less carbohydrates
- No more alcohol, nikotine and sigaretts
- Think more posetive;D
I weight 266/punds(105kg) 177cm, and isn’t that fat because of muscles mass.(strength atlete)
Bur there aren’t only muscles,I am what you call shubby;) but no more.
I have the three last months worked my pc(or bc?) muscle with results: I cum harder.and have stronger erections. What other muscles can improve potency??
These days I watch a looooots of porn and it requires more and harder porn each time to get an fucking great erection.
Shuld I cut most of the porn.?
Take a week free from all penis activity before I start some serious program?
How can I affect the sexual center of the brain??
More blood into the penis ??
What can I do to build up my penis without stretching??
Thank you to those who have read/answered this thread!!
:D D