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Penis suspensory ligaments and E.D

Penis suspensory ligaments and E.D

I think the cause of my e.d could be from damage to the suspensory ligament from lying on erect penis whilst it’s pointed downwards when iwas younger.
I can feel a gap/hole where my pubic bone joins my penis, could this indicate some sort of ligament issue ?

I just tried stretching it after a shower ( pulling at a 6 oclock angle ) and it felt very tight/contracted, however after this stretching I did have a good erection so hoping all it is is a contracted suspensory ligament causing poor erections, is there a such thing ?
Also when doing a pc contraction it looks like it just makes a very sudden and sharp jerking movement, I.e pulling the penis into the body and releasing it straight back out.

Erections are caused by the spongy tissue filling up with blood. I don’t see how a ligament problem would cause ED.

Originally Posted by venomx

I can feel a gap/hole where my pubic bone joins my penis, could this indicate some sort of ligament issue ?

Just google for basic anatomy of the male pelvis and you’ll see

Blue eye, blonde latino

Talk to a doctor?

As sleepy said the ligament is not the problem, I’m not a doctor but if you guys have talked to one, about penis enlargement surgery you would know that you can cut off the ligament to try make it grow faster, and about sleeping fucking the bed it’s completely normal I still do that.

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

I have the same gap between the ligaments it showed up when I stretched out my ligaments :) Don’t worry there’s nothing wrong with you :)

-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-

I used to lay on my penis while it was pointed downwards alll the time when I was a kid, felt oddly good (and my penis turned out fine - somehow)

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.


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