Permanent - Temporary Increase and Decrease
I know that everybody wants to cement their gains and get to a point where they no longer need to PE. The situation that I am in right now has finally pushed me to post a thread in hopes of getting some help. I am dating an amazing girl that I love very much but she is on the looser side. I am on the smaller side with girth which doesn’t help. So here my two questions:
I have pe’d on and off for a long time now but never stuck with it. I just recently started again now that I am out of college and I have all the private time in the world. Something I noticed this time is that after a workout I am about .25” thicker in girth but this lasts only for a short while. Now the bad part. When I measure on an off day I am actually .25” smaller in girth than I was when I started. My erections feel harder and longer but a little skinnier. How could this happen. Did I over due it? Should I use some type of all day wrap or clamp to promote healing in the bigger state? Anyways you can see why this is a problem because Im trying to solve the issue with my girl by getting bigger, not smaller.
Now the second part. Right now I am just doing the newbie routine but I have consistantly done PE on and off for a couple years and never gotten any gains. What I am wondering can I do anything that will temporary increase my girth for having sex with my girl? I am not really worried about cementing any gains because I will PE everyday for the rest of my life if I have to. I know that pumping will do this but there is no way at this point in the relationship that I can let her find out about a pump. I have pumped in the past and noticed that the increase will last for an hour or two max. Sometimes her and I spend many hours together before we decide to have sex. So how could I increase my size even if it is only temporary and I have to do it every day. Any help would really be appreciated because right now the sex isn’t very good. I love her but I am afraid she will leave me since I can not satisfy her in bed.