personal log, hello, and quick question..
Ok, I’m starting tonight and wanted to get some feedback on my routine as this is something I’ve been reading for a while and after a point you can only read and not do, so much.
I figure I have ~25 (30 max) minutes in the morning to do this, I work 7-4 and have a baby so I really don’t get that privacy anytime other than in the morning. Any of you with similar experience?
I figure hot-wrap for 5 minutes.
Stretch for 10.
Jelq for 10
Hot wrap cool-down for 5 minutes.
Should I do a hot wrap between the stretching and jelqing? Though I want to gain girth, I agree with the theory that it’ll be easier to gain length first and girth second (though girth usually comes with length a little). how can I maximize gaining length? More time stretching rather than jelqing?
Starting today I’m about 2”-2.5” flaccid, I “point” rather than “hang” which I’d like to change.
BPEL: 6”
Girth: 4.5”
8x6 sounds like a great number, but I’d be happy to at least be in the 7’s which means at least 6 NBPEL.
Any critique on the routine? I figure do this each weekday and take weekends off? Should I do this m/w/f and use t/th to heal?
Great board btw, I love the fact we’re all here to help each other, we all have a common goal and it’s nice to know that we can chat it up here :)
Take care,