Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

personal log, hello, and quick question..

personal log, hello, and quick question..

Ok, I’m starting tonight and wanted to get some feedback on my routine as this is something I’ve been reading for a while and after a point you can only read and not do, so much.

I figure I have ~25 (30 max) minutes in the morning to do this, I work 7-4 and have a baby so I really don’t get that privacy anytime other than in the morning. Any of you with similar experience?

I figure hot-wrap for 5 minutes.
Stretch for 10.
Jelq for 10
Hot wrap cool-down for 5 minutes.

Should I do a hot wrap between the stretching and jelqing? Though I want to gain girth, I agree with the theory that it’ll be easier to gain length first and girth second (though girth usually comes with length a little). how can I maximize gaining length? More time stretching rather than jelqing?

Starting today I’m about 2”-2.5” flaccid, I “point” rather than “hang” which I’d like to change.

BPEL: 6”
Girth: 4.5”

8x6 sounds like a great number, but I’d be happy to at least be in the 7’s which means at least 6 NBPEL.

Any critique on the routine? I figure do this each weekday and take weekends off? Should I do this m/w/f and use t/th to heal?

Great board btw, I love the fact we’re all here to help each other, we all have a common goal and it’s nice to know that we can chat it up here :)

Take care,



I have been at this for 1 year now and I started almost like you, only I had a 5 inch girth. For the first 6 months I did mostly jelqing with some stretching and I ended at 6.5 inch x 5.5 inch BPEL & G in June.

I think your routine looks fine and the hot wrap between the stretchs and jelqs would do no harm either (time depending).

Good luck, no I re-phase that to read Work Hard and the results will come, but you may find some plateus along the way and one just has to work through them. See my routine.

Good, too, to take a minute at odd times of the day when you can to do some dry stretches. Every attempt counts, I think.




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