Peyronie disease members
I’m interested in PE for some reasons but a doubt is present in my case concerning Peyronie disease (I beg you pardon because of my English, I’m Spanish). A possible relation between PE and this problem worries me a lot, since I’ve read something about this possibility one time and PE enlarges the penis, we think, by means of micro fissures, and Peyronie involves something like scar tissue over penis’ surface. In my case, I’ve noticed since I was a teenager a small lump in my penis and I’m afraid of having predisposition of suffering this disease. That’s the reason why I’ve almost never tried PE.
I’ve read in thundersplace about the possibility of straightenen bended penis with some PE exercises, and the penis curvature is one of the effects of Peyronie disease.. Maybe PE could be good instead of bad for Peyronie cases, or even for preventing it.. I don’t know if it is the case or it works on the contrary.
Is there anybody here who has this problem, or who has something like a lump in his penis, and that is doing PE? Have you ever noticed something related to that? Maybe this effect is more likely amongst older members.
Cheers and thank you very much in advance.