Thunder's Place

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Peyronie's and Traction Devices

Peyronie's and Traction Devices

Hello all,

I am new here and probably will do something wrong or dumb because of that so please bear with me.

The use of long-term chronic traction has started to become more routinely used for those of us with Peyronie’s Disease (PD). In my naiveté, I started to research different penis traction devices on the web.

And then I found this place and am sort of more confused than ever! It seems that the bias here is against traction devices as overpriced and perhaps less effective than jelqing, and ADS using cheaper methods. I am open to learning here, so wanted to pose a few Newbie questions.

1) Might the abnormal wound healing process that seems to typify Peyronie’s Disease, make some of the more dramatic methods mentioned here risky for worsening of the Peyronie’s?

2) How might the tendency to fibrosis that characterizes Peyronie’s affect choices regarding longer slower stretching versus harder, but shorter term stretches?

3) If there is a “better” device out there, is there anyone here who would be willing to talk about that? It seems that there are two main reputable vendors of extenders in Europe (Androp***s, and Jes-Exte***r), and the “Fast***e in the US, with another one that includes the letter x in the name (not sure how to hide that one!)(don’t want to spam for anyone inadvertently). It is really hard to tell if one is better than another, when all the “reviews” are biased spam on sites run by manufacturers!

Any help for this newcomer to this site would be greatly appreciated.


Hi there,

Check out the review forum, that has lots of threads talking about all sorts of equipment. Also have you tried searching for topics on traction and Peyronie’s?

Oh, and welcome to Thunders.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Hey Tim, A lot of the members here are against traction devices because they are overpriced, but once they are actually purchased, some members find them to be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. In my opinion, If I were trying to fix Peyronie’s Disease on my self with a traction device, I would try to over come the dis-comfort of these devices, but that is me and I make no suggestions that you do that. Using a traction device is going to have to be your decision. I hope everything goes well for you.

Thanks for the welcome sunny and tnt.

There is a growing group of users of traction devices in the PD community, but I did not see as much evidence of experienced Peyronie’s Disease folks posting here. There has been a lot of focus in the PD community on fighting the mechanisms of contraction of the tunica, such as general inflammation therapy, anti-TGF-Beta meds (Pentox), increasing NO pathways (Viagra, arginine),decreasing arginase activity (Norvaline), and fighting glycation through diet. All of this may be of help (in addition to the usual stuff like vitamin E, etc), but the better results clinically seem to be coming from simple work with the VED (pump) or with traction devices.

Every user with PD I know uses a medical grade device. ::Shrug:: It’s probably our own lack of knowledge of the options.

For what it is worth, I might share a cautionary note to folks here. Take care of your penis, and don’t jump into any PE too fast, or you might be joining our community of people with bends, dents and scarring. More than one member of our own online community started out by doing something to themselves while jelqing or trying weights.

I will search the boards as suggested - I have found a few reviews of different medical grade devices, but as I said, mostly a feeling they are overpriced (I found the corporate link to one of the manufacturers and the profit on a $250 device was more than $220!).



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