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PhalloFill/UroFill vs. Loria Medical Filler

PhalloFill/UroFill vs. Loria Medical Filler

I am considering going the Filler route, and hoping you guys can help me with the pros AND cons of each, beyond just the temporary vs. permanent aspect. Which procedure is in harmony with the most natural looking and feeling, girthier erection? I assume PF and UF are practically the same, but maybe I am wrong.

Stay away from anything Loria. For full disclosure, I’ve operated a forum (inspired by the style of Thundersplace) on the topic of medical & surgical male enhancement known as the since 2010. For further disclosure (and for transparency’s sake), PhalloFILL is a Sponsor of mine, however Urofill is not. Also, I was approached by a Loria representative via email regarding Sponsorship and I turned it down.

That’s because Loria’s uses a "proprietary filler" which he makes himself and I can’t imagine how much longer he can get away with what I suspect is on the cusp of legality (i.e. no FDA regulation or approval of his medical product or device). I’ve followed him well before he was doing penis enlargement in high volume, back when he was a failed Hair Restoration Specialist & Nutritionist. He came to learn of fillers from the PhalloBoards (I’d know since he once joined my forum before being banned under suspicion of shilling/creating fake user reviews). That was over 10 years ago.

Now he has grown in popularity through a massive marketing campaign, and has been able to enchant lesser known Med Spa-type clinics into employing his disastrous mystery cocktail into unsuspecting men. The model is a cash cow, but the deception is in the ploy. You see, while he might throw out words like "collagen" and "permanent," he fails to mention that his "proprietary filler" contains silicone oil. As anyone who has followed the online PE scene as long as I have, silicone oil has been notorious for guys getting freakishly large penises and scrotums to the point of absurdity. What is also known is how dangerous this type of filler is in high volume. If you poke Dr. Loria or anyone affiliated with this madness regarding the filler’s ingredients, regulation, or related studies, you’ll see how dodgy and evasive they become.

Food for thought —> why does EVERY reputable Clinic that performs male enhancement as a major part of their practice NEVER USE SILICONE OIL, with the exception of Loria and affiliates? If it’s such a efficacious & cost-effective filler, wouldn’t every Clinic at least offer it as an option?? Most Clinics tend to offer multiple filler options, despite having preferences for one type/brand or another.

I’ve heard horror stories regarding silicone removal and/or repair from enough Doctors and former patients to outright make PhalloBoards a No-Silicone Zone, even encouraging Dr. Victor Liu (who happened to have Silikon1000 in stock) to dismiss its use based on the evidence and information I provided him through medical circles.

I should note that Silikon1000 is FDA cleared, however is strongly recommended by the manufacturer as a filler intended for use in small volumes via micro-droplet technique. This typically involves the face in volumes ranging in the single digit mL’s. With Loria, you’re getting 60-80 mL’s pumped in a single-go! The issue with silicone oil (assuming Loria is even using legal stuff, which no one can know for sure, which is scary), in high volumes it has a high propensity for migration (this is why his post-op care requires wearing a band at the base of the shaft to prevent leakage) and its complications tend to be more severe (no procedure is without risk). What makes it more damning is that if you don’t get it removed early on (it can take years for complications to arise), there will be the presence of collagen and fibrosis that will make silicone oil removal nearly impossible, leading to skin grafts for your penis. Yikes.

Also food for thought —> when you go to a Clinic you know exactly what is being put inside you. You know the brand name (e.g. Juvaderm, Bellafill, and so on) and how much volume (or number of syringes). The issue with Loria’s product is that there is no brand name, no company to sue if the filler was tainted, no place the research the ingredients or its FDA approval, and so on.

The problem is that admittedly, silicone CAN look quite good post-op, and the idea of instant massive permanent girth is alluring to most men in the PE scene. This is why I mentioned the word "deception" earlier. Like Elist (the other bum in the industry), they rely on exploiting male insecurities to bypass any sufficient research or reasoning, which is why the 2 most common cases I hear regarding "repair work" are associated with Elist and Loria (two different doctors and methodologies by the way).

Don’t get me started on Loria’s other ethical shortcomings. On the LPSG Loria mega-thread in the penis enlargement section, there was a patient of his who was suffering from severe infection post-op. Granted, infection can occur in any medical setting & procedure and may have had nothing to do with the filler itself. However, when admitted to emergency care facing the possibility of sepsis (it got that bad somehow), Loria REFUSED TO GIVE THE PERFORMING PHYSICIAN INFORMATION ON THE FILLER!!! His own patient on a potential deathbed, and this quack ducks and runs. &@^#! coward! This was all confirmed when the Loria-shills in the thread insisted he was bullsh*tting (sick if you ask me), and in response he presented the receipts (photo attachment proof of his ordeals). Other users in that thread called Loria’s procedure a "ticking time b*mb."

As for PhalloFILL and Urofill, they are NOT the same. PhalloFILL uses Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which has arguably the strongest safety profile among fillers. I believe Urofill uses the same filler type (but not likely the same filler brand), but at present time cannot confirm this. I also have nothing bad to say about Urofill. I’d at least peruse the PhalloBoard forums, there are PhalloFILL and Urofill posts that you can read through.

Be safe out there and good luck!

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Thanks so much for this. I was always told that Loria uses just a tiny amount of silicone oil and that his filler simply stimulates collagen production. I was able to feel a cock that had been enlarged with Loria filler, and it felt a little squishy, even when erect, but it was still impressive. Do you know what a HA filler enhanced penis feels like fully erect?

Originally Posted by lawwonder
Thanks so much for this. I was always told that Loria uses just a tiny amount of silicone oil and that his filler simply stimulates collagen production. I was able to feel a cock that had been enlarged with Loria filler, and it felt a little squishy, even when erect, but it was still impressive. Do you know what a HA filler enhanced penis feels like fully erect?

No, however a recent PhalloFILL topic was updated in the Progress Report section of the PhalloBoards forum (the Houston/Clavell thread), and other threads scattered about to get the right impression. You can also use the Search function on PB for "Hyaluronic Acid."

Remember your penis shaft naturally has some "give." While I have not touched another penis, I have been at a sex toy store before, and have out of sheer curiosity compared a dildo to a vibrator to see what women might experience. The dildo has some "give" to it, whereas the vibrator is extremely rigid (plastic hard) and unlike what I imagine most erections to be.

Also, older iterations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) were largely cross-linked (i.e. manufactured in the lab) for facial treatments, thus being softer. However, newer generations and iterations of HA have some versions that are more robust and much more "penis-like," from what I’ve read and what I’ve been told.

It should be noted that HA is not permanent and how long it lasts varies person to person (kind of like how inversely some people grow hair or nails faster than others). On average you may need a top-off annually, but fortunately you usually won’t nearly as much volume every subsequent appointment. Example: Suppose you achieve a full inch in erect circumference. After 9-12 months you may be down to 50% (again, the rate of dissipation cannot be predicted, depends very much on each person’s unique physiology), so you go in for a top-off. Except this time you won’t need nearly as much volume injected to get back to 100% your original gained size. And each subsequent round will introduce some collagen and elastin which will help reinforce the filler in the shaft (albeit not in significant amounts).

There are semi-permanent (requires a long explanation) and permanent options out there, but I believe HA is a great starting point for most guys. Some guys may not like the annual maintenance and prefer to consider permanent options, and others are very satisfied and stick with HA. Being temporary means that if you don’t like your results, you aren’t stuck with it forever, and complications (albeit low, no procedure is without risk) are easier to manage.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Yes, so far, HA filler seems the safest way to go. What confuses me is that PlhaloFill claims that results are semi-permanent in that results can last up to 5 years. I understand that some of the dissipation will most likely begin earlier, but the minimum amount of filler you can purchase is 4 units, and the minimum number of units injected is 4, so it is not clear if you will have a penis that keeps getting bigger with every touch up. That could be awesome, or it could be too much. I am already above average in girth, especially at my cock base, so not sure how this would look for me. I really just want a little more girth in my mid and upper shaft, but not sure it would look right to only have the units injected there rather than the base as well.

In your case, if you are looking for only a touch more, HA is even a stronger candidate. They can effectively hit the mid & upper shaft creating a more uniformed look.

As for the 5 year claim, I cannot verify this personally. I suppose in a few years time we will better know. I will say however, they’ve been trustworthy innovators in the field thus far; I should also note that the PhalloFILL of Dallas is a PhalloBoards Sponsor and I cannot vouch for any of their affiliates (cities), only to say that they are likely/presumably using the PhalloFILL recommended HA brand, methodology/techniques, and Before & After Care protocols.

Regarding the 5 year claim: their use of exosomes (think of PRP on steroids, but not literally lol), and proprietary methodologies (don’t forget there are multiple layers of the skin) may yield longer lasting results (Note*- I don’t know if the use of exosomes are a standard part of the procedure or extra, I will inquire and get back to this thread later). Also, I presume the 5 year claim is based on having completed all your rounds (it can take multiple appointments to achieve desired goals, yours may take far less based on your own goals). This is because they take the "Conservative Approach" —> a coined method on PhalloBoards that focuses on smaller volumes per session to build a foundation, then to brick-lay every subsequent round to help ensure problem areas (like aesthetics, symmetry, etc.) are identified, and to generate (albeit small amounts of) collagen and elastin to further reinforce the over all "HA scaffolding" of your shaft. This may also be a reason to believe longevity will be there. Lastly, the version of HA they use is critical in longevity, a stronger cross-linking of the HA chemical bonds will be longer lasting due to its robustness.

On a side note, I missed your point about Loria suggesting the use of "tiny amounts of silicone" in your previous post. I personally believe that’s literal nonsense: (1) He could inject Radiesse or Bellafill (proven fillers) alternatively to trigger the same type of collagen building, but even better; (2) Why tiny amounts at all? Why bother mixing silicone in at all when most other fillers have proven to be equally successful and silicone (on the other hand) has a mixed history? (3) His patent says the filler can have UP TO 80% silicone oil; and (4) the amounts he injects (60-80cc’s on the low end in a single-go) is indicative of silicone oil, as most other fillers seldom exceed 25 mL’s in a single-go. In other words, deduction strongly suggests the word "tiny" is misleading at best, and fraudulent at worst.

Like I mentioned previously, you may want to search the PhalloBoards, perhaps ask former/current HA Progress Reporters their thoughts. Thundersplace is a great resource, but its specialty is manual PE exercises, and the PhalloBoards is almost exclusively medical male enhancement. That said, this site did follow the topic in its "Dark Ages" before the advent of the PhalloBoards, and without it, the PhalloBoards likely would not have existed.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

I wish these HA places/doctors were more mainstream. Meaning much more accessible.

Not everyone lives near a big city.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
I wish these HA places/doctors were more mainstream. Meaning much more accessible.
Not everyone lives near a big city.

It’s a double-edged sword of sorts. I would love to have more vetted Clinics for men to choose from, and from different locales (instead of trying their hand at less scrupulous doctors or procedure-types), but many men on the PhalloBoards have admitted to never wanting the procedure to go full main-stream so that they never have to dwell on their partners suspecting them of having "work done."

I can’t tell if & how long it will take for the stigma to go away, akin to how a lot of men are more tolerant now to a boob job even if they prefer natural (i.e. will partners care or even prefer enhanced units??). Who knows?

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Well weirdly, there are currently no PF providers in Atlanta, but one is in Birmingham.

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