Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Piss in public

Piss in public

This is my first thread, I’m not sure if this is a good reason but:

For the first time in years I have pissed in public with another guy pissing next to me and it felt fuckin great!! I had builded up such a shy bladder over the years I would even skip beers with friends if I knew the place we were going to did not have urinaries that gave you some privat. Yeah had fallen deep.

And now this: I pissed next to another guy and it felt wonderful, no shyness or anything, just the pure joy of emptying that bladder when I needed to. Piss Piss Piss!! Epee!!

I mean, I don’t think I have grown yet but my confidence sure has. Have to make sure not to develop an obsession where I can’t piss if no one is watching me.

Thanks Thunders!!

Rock hard



Don’t let it turn into a fetish, the neighbors roses won’t like it much.

Let it flow!

Congratulations to you. I too suffer from a shy bladder and it drives me crazy. It’s better than it was, but basically I don’t/can’t use urinals. Anyone with any experiance/advice on this it would be very very much appreciated. Don’t know why I didnt think to ask before.


Shooting for 9"

When I’m smashed I can piss wherever in front of anybody lol.for some reason at school as soon as I sense someone else in the same bathroom my wang locks up and nothin comes out I HATE it lol

Pfund, just do a Google search on "shy bladder" and you’ll get lots of information. The condition is called parueresis, and there’s even an international organization/support group for it. Check out Welcome — International Paruresis Association (IPA).

I usually don’t have that problem unless it’s next to a friend or colleague whose dick I’d really like to see, and would want them to see mine, but no problem with strangers. I’ve worried about not being able to start a stream if the opportunity ever arose to be pissing side-by-side with my two adult sons. So far, I’ve been able to avoid such situations, often requiring extreme measures, but I don’t think this is a good thing. Unfortunately, I never let them see me nude when they were growing up, and we didn’t even change clothes in front of each other at the gym or swimming pool, etc. I regret this more than almost anything else in their upbringing, because I believe that fathers should set a good examle for their sons by being free with nudity and seeing each others’ dicks. But lacking that, it can be difficult to bond together completely, and there might always be a distance established that would never allow closeness.

Just my opinion, but in our case, know it’s true. Sorry to veer slightly off-topic, but you and others might have the same experience I had, and still have, with my sons.

Thanks a lot, I will put an eye on that after my exams. But I think I found a way to condition myself, I will try what I have in mind and if it works I’ll put my 2 cents in here.
What made it even worse in the past is the fact that in puberty I would frequently piss in the same toilet bowl with my friends- not homoerotic or such. Just go piss together.
Again I have to say: since I found this place here it is getting better- crazy, huh? Also other things are developping, I can hardly believe it: after working out for years my calves are finally growing. I think Thunders gave me back my virility, my sense of being a man, male, gave me back my testosterone production. Even my balls seem to hang lower- constantly. As though someone switched me on, also my mood.
Puuuh, once I come down from my euphoric state of mind I will list the benefits I will have had by then. I begin to believe that many of my problems with self-esteem, depression and what not are linked to my thinking I have a little dick that is not worth a penny- although I had very nice and loving relationships.

THANK ALL OF YOU for being here and letting me in.

Rock hard


Originally Posted by einpfundfleisch
Thanks a lot, I will put an eye on that after my exams. But I think I found a way to condition myself, I will try what I have in mind and if it works I’ll put my 2 cents in here.
What made it even worse in the past is the fact that in puberty I would frequently piss in the same toilet bowl with my friends- not homoerotic or such. Just go piss together.
Again I have to say: since I found this place here it is getting better- crazy, huh? Also other things are developping, I can hardly believe it: after working out for years my calves are finally growing. I think Thunders gave me back my virility, my sense of being a man, male, gave me back my testosterone production. Even my balls seem to hang lower- constantly. As though someone switched me on, also my mood.
Puuuh, once I come down from my euphoric state of mind I will list the benefits I will have had by then. I begin to believe that many of my problems with self-esteem, depression and what not are linked to my thinking I have a little dick that is not worth a penny- although I had very nice and loving relationships.

THANK ALL OF YOU for being here and letting me in.

Rock hard


I think you’ve identified a very significant but not easily understood attribute of the environment here at Thunders that won’t be found elsewhere. It’s totally unique in my experience: where else can you talk about dicks with other guys, hear what they say and share in their experiences, listen to their stories of joy or woe, many of which express their insecurities and inhibitions that they might not have ever voiced before, even to themselves. The flip side is when we take command of ourselves and begin to understand the various ways and the extent to which our penis psyche dominates our very being—for better or worse—and how to be proud of what we’ve got, plus it’s potential here at Thunders.

I firmly believe exactly what you said, i.e., that Thunders can give us back our virility, our sense of being a man, and a male, and getting back our testosterone production (or at least creating some unknown internal atmosphere whereby the testosterone can be used to maximum effect — something about the receptors maybe, who knows?).

Please keep us informed of your new-found state of mind and body, and I’ll look at mine a little closer in light of your truly profound thoughts.

HANK (WB9x7)

Originally Posted by einpfundfleisch
Have to make sure not to develop an obsession where I can’t piss if no one is watching me.

You certainly do…

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

I have this problem too. It’s so annoying and might start ruining my social life - true to the comment about the beers. I’m now trying to re-build what I have lost. It’s hard, but I’m trying different techniques, like I heard doing complicated multiplication sums helps!

You just gotta be strong and try to gain as much strength as possible. It may be a long road, but there’s a reward at the end of it.having a better social life! =D

I was amused to see that just before a marathon, there are plenty of men and women who will to take a piss side-by-side.

There you are, needing to take a quick piss, with less than 10 minutes before a race. The port-a-potty lines are at least 15 minutes long. What do you do??

You head off to the bushes or trees. If you’re a guy, you face into the the brush and unload. If you’re a gal, you squat facing away from the brush and unload.

Just before the Cal International Marathon began, there was a whole line of folks along and just inside the bushes at the side of the road. At the Anchorage marathon start, people were scattered, but easily visible to each other, just inside the woods.

Everyone was cool about it.


04/05: BP 5-5/8" x 5-5/8"....08/05: BP 6-15/16" x 6".....09/05 - 11/05: Break........11/05: BP 6-7/8" x 6"....01/06: BP 7" x 6-1/8"

3/06: BP 7-1/8" x 6-1/4".....5/06: BP 7-1/4" x 6-1/4".....6/09: 7-3/8" x 6-1/4".......Goal: BP 8-1/2" x 6-1/2" or until I completely fill my wife

Last edited by nyquist : 09-17-2006 at . Reason: grammar

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