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Please help: loss of sensitivity, premature ejaculation, weak erections, cold penis

Please help: loss of sensitivity, premature ejaculation, weak erections, cold penis

I’ve never done any sort of penis exercise but when I Google my symptoms I keep getting results from this forum so I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m really desperate for help. There’s something seriously wrong with me and I have no idea what it is exactly. It all started about 2 months ago. I used K2/Spice (synthetic marijuana) for the first time. I smoked 3 times and I masturbated each time. After the 3rd time my penis went completely numb. I woke up the next morning and my penis was still numb. I waited a couple days and everything went back to normal. Then I stupidly smoked K2 again a couple weeks later and tried to masturbate but this time my penis went numb immediately, and it hasn’t been right ever since. That was about 6-7 weeks ago and here are the symptoms I’ve been experiencing since then.

-Loss of sensitivity
-Lost the ability to move my flaccid penis by flexing it.
-Premature ejaculation
-Painful ejaculation: it’s not like a sharp pain but it feels like I’m pulling a muscle as the ejaculate is coming out. It tenses up. It’s not the smooth, rhythmic ejaculation I’m used to do. It like there’s something clogging up the flow. It’s a very uncomfortable feeling. It’s like the blood is trapped in the penis head
-No morning erections (I used to have them every morning)
-Sore after ejaculation
-Penis is cold when it’s flaccid
-Sometimes my flaccid penis is way too soft and jelly like. Feels like there’s nothing in there.
-Not getting 100% full erection. When I flex the muscle to try and pump more blood in there it feels very uncomfortable.

I saw a urologist and he told me I have prostatitis . But I’m not convinced because I have none of the classic symptoms of prostatitis. And maybe I wasn’t that eloquent or detailed when explaining my symptoms cause he seemed to disregard a lot of it. I don’t know what to do I’m really scared. I’m only 20 years old.

Does anyone know what’s wrong with me ? What’s causing this ? Did I rupture a blood vessel, or is it nerve damage, etc ?

If he said you have prostatits, chances are you have. Probably masturbating while smoked you caused some trauma to your penis, so beyond prostatitis you have something else. I think with time and prescribed medicines your problem will go way.

Originally Posted by marinera
If he said you have prostatitis, chances are you have. Probably masturbating while smoked you caused some trauma to your penis, so beyond prostatitis you have something else. I think with time and prescribed medicines your problem will go way.

I could have prostatitis , but I’ve been doing a lot of research and I can’t seem to find a lot of my symptoms falling under prostatitis. I wish I could find out what that something else was. Thank you for your reply

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
See another doctor.

I think I will. Thank you for replying.

Holy shit! I had the same thing couple of weeks ago. I smoked weed once, and the same night I masturbated and my penis went completely numb while erect. I was scared.

Okay, it went away. Then week later I woke up(didn’t smoke anything after the first numbness) and my penis felt numb, then I masturbated and it was numb again. It’s still numb.

I don’t know if it’s the weed, jelqing at high erection levels(I’ve jelqed few times, not much though) or did I sleep wrong. I don’t care about the numbness though, masturbating still feels good even though it’s numb. It’s a weird feeling.

Also I noticed the other night that I’m 80% sure that I’ve gained again, it looked so long! I haven’t measured. Now I’m afraid that it will become too long and it needs some kind of support.(maybe it’s nothing)

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Do you recognize any similarities here?

"Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is characterised by pelvic or perineal pain without evidence of urinary tract infection,[2] lasting longer than 3 months,[3] as the key symptom. Symptoms may wax and wane. Pain can range from mild discomfort to debilitating. Pain may radiate to back and rectum, making sitting difficult. Dysuria , arthralgia , myalgia , unexplained fatigue , abdominal pain, constant burning pain in the penis, and frequency may all be present. Frequent urination and increased urgency may suggest interstitial cystitis (inflammation centred in bladder rather than prostate). Post-ejaculatory pain, mediated by nerves and muscles, is a hallmark of the condition,[4] and serves to distinguish CP/CPPS patients from men with BPH or normal men. Some patients report low libido, sexual dysfunction and erectile difficulties ."

http://en.wikip … c_pain_syndrome

About four months ago, I began experiencing pain, numbness and an increased feeling of firmness in my right testicle. The doctors I went to treated it as an infection, and I took two rounds of antibiotics with no effect. During this time, however, my symptoms began to spread. First the pain and firmness spread to my left testicle. Then I began to experience pain of the groin at the base of the penis, again starting on the right. Finally, after experiencing pain in the tip and body of the penis, I began to have a feeling of extreme firmness in my penis when flaccid. It seems to my perspective as being in a super-retracted state almost all the time. When I urinate, this hardness and retraction seems to be alleviated, about 90-100% of normal feeling. As soon as I finish urinating, however, it goes right back to its firm flaccid state.

Stress seems to make all of these symptoms, but especially the degree of retraction/firmness of the penis, worse. It is worse when standing and walking than when in a more relaxed position. This is especially problematic as it rubs up against my pants when I am walking, making it very uncomfortable. I can obtain and maintain an erection normally. The hardness even seems to ease up a bit while it is in a transitional semi-erect state, similar to what I experience when urinating. However, if my penis is especially retracted due to stress or activity the erection is often painful. Spontaneous erections during the day usually cause this problem, whereas nocturnal and intentional erections usually do not. About two months into having this hardness issue I began experiencing an increase in the pain at the base of my penis, groin, and testicles for up to 48 hours after ejaculation.

After seeing three urologists, I was diagnosed as having chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain…."
Chronic Prostatitis, Pelvic Pain, and Firm Flaccid Penis | Cure ED

Is it possible the THC in marijuana fucked up some connections in your brain whilst masturbating? That’s a scary thought. It sounds like you need to retrain your brain somehow.

Completely out of place.

Bad thing if weed is gonna fuck up your dick like that.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by marinera
Do you recognize any similarities here?

"Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is characterised by pelvic or perineal pain without evidence of urinary tract infection,[2] lasting longer than 3 months,[3] as the key symptom. Symptoms may wax and wane. Pain can range from mild discomfort to debilitating. Pain may radiate to back and rectum, making sitting difficult. Dysuria , arthralgia , myalgia , unexplained fatigue , abdominal pain, constant burning pain in the penis, and frequency may all be present. Frequent urination and increased urgency may suggest interstitial cystitis (inflammation centred in bladder rather than prostate). Post-ejaculatory pain, mediated by nerves and muscles, is a hallmark of the condition,[4] and serves to distinguish CP/CPPS patients from men with BPH or normal men. Some patients report low libido, sexual dysfunction and erectile difficulties ."

About four months ago, I began experiencing pain, numbness and an increased feeling of firmness in my right testicle. The doctors I went to treated it as an infection, and I took two rounds of antibiotics with no effect. During this time, however, my symptoms began to spread. First the pain and firmness spread to my left testicle. Then I began to experience pain of the groin at the base of the penis, again starting on the right. Finally, after experiencing pain in the tip and body of the penis, I began to have a feeling of extreme firmness in my penis when flaccid. It seems to my perspective as being in a super-retracted state almost all the time. When I urinate, this hardness and retraction seems to be alleviated, about 90-100% of normal feeling. As soon as I finish urinating, however, it goes right back to its firm flaccid state.

Stress seems to make all of these symptoms, but especially the degree of retraction/firmness of the penis, worse. It is worse when standing and walking than when in a more relaxed position. This is especially problematic as it rubs up against my pants when I am walking, making it very uncomfortable. I can obtain and maintain an erection normally. The hardness even seems to ease up a bit while it is in a transitional semi-erect state, similar to what I experience when urinating. However, if my penis is especially retracted due to stress or activity the erection is often painful. Spontaneous erections during the day usually cause this problem, whereas nocturnal and intentional erections usually do not. About two months into having this hardness issue I began experiencing an increase in the pain at the base of my penis, groin, and testicles for up to 48 hours after ejaculation.

After seeing three urologists, I was diagnosed as having chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain."
Chronic Prostatitis, Pelvic Pain, and Firm Flaccid Penis | Cure ED

No I haven’t experienced anything like that. The only pain I experience is related to sexual functioning.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Is it possible the THC in marijuana fucked up some connections in your brain whilst masturbating? That’s a scary thought. It sounds like you need to retrain your brain somehow.

The thing is it wasn’t marijuana. It was "spice" which is synthetic marijuana .It’s really shady stuff. It’s supposed to be mimic the effects but it’s a lot worse for you. And you don’t get the same effect. It’s currently legal but many states are talking about banning it because it can have dangerous side effects. It’s sent people to emergency rooms. That’s why I’m real worried.

Marijuana is natural that k2 stuff is not , I smoked it one time and never again would I again I thought I as gonna die .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Anyone else have an idea of what might have happened to me ?


I’ve always wondered about estrogen content in MJ, as the plants are all female that we smoke. I’ve smoked everyday heavily for years, and I find that I’m just starting to lose erection power overall. I’m only 35, and had been starting to freak out about it and never thought it had anything to do with smoking weed. Then, I started to realize I could get it up and maintain erections on the rare occasions/days when I didn’t smoke. I saw my Dr., didn’t mention anything about smoking and he gave me a Viagra prescription almost immediately. Its really expensive though, and since there are no generic versions available, I’ve been ordering them online from Canada. This is the site I use, they’re awesome and their drugs work exactly the same as the real ones. I take a tiny piece, like 1/4-1/2 (which is 25-50mg) and I can go back to back to back, high on weed or not. Anyone ever try viagra, or find any legit sources to order from online?

It’s not from the K2 in my opinion.

You mentioned that you have a little pain while cumming or if you “squeeze” your muscle down there. It sounds to me like even though you never did PE you are familiar with kegals. I am thinking you got really high off K2, (I’ve smoked it before, never again), started masturbating and held a kegal waaaayy too hard and long which injured it. You need to stop masturbating, leave you dick alone, and let it heal. You probably injured it the first two times you did this and the last time you smoked it was the straw that broke the camels back.

Definitely see another doctor. You will recover I am sure, but it might take some time.

Stop smoking K2, shits nasty man. Get a marijuana card or something if you want to be high. My experience with K2 is it makes you completely stupid. I got lost in an 8’ square room, couldn’t find the door. Not sure why that happened, but weed certainly never made me feel like that.

My current drug of choice: good old fashioned Captain Morgan. Drink responsibly.

4/9/2014; BPEL: 5.75", MEG: 4.75"

10/6/2015; BPEL: 7.18", MEG: 5.125"

Goal: 7.5 X 5.5, Retirement: 9 X 6

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