Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Please help

Please help

Hey guys there s an issue concerning me . I hope you guys can help me with it..

For the past month or so I’ve been noticing that the opening(on the glans penis) gets swollen on and off .. Do I have any abnormalities?

There are perhaps several reasons for this. Some questions can narrow the focus.

Is there a discharge or drainage that accompanies the swelling? A change in color (to red)? Have you changed sex partners or has your partner developed a yeast infection? Do you wear condoms during sex? When you jelq does the stroke include the corpus spongiosum (the ridge on the underside of your erect penis)?

Yes there is a discharge sometimes and sometimes it does become red but I didn’t get the last question

I hope you’re OK - that sort of thing would scare me half to death!

A discharge that is not clear could be a sign of infection as is the redness. Infection can come from many sources (your dirty hands when touching yourself, a girlfriend with a vaginal infection, rubbing the meatus (pee hole) on something like a pillow). The last question was in regard to the PE exercise of jelqing. Using a grip that completely encircles the penis puts pressure on the corpus spongiosum. That’s the tube of erectile tissue that contains the urethra (the tube that carries urine and sperm to the meatus and the outside of the body). The corpus spongiosum (CS) is directly connected to the glans (head) of the penis. Excess pressure during jelqing on the CS might cause irritation and redness of the meatus. This might be what is happening to you if you jelq in that manner.

Hey thanks a lot . But how do I know if it’s an infection ? The meatus gets swollen up sometimes.. Which doctor should I go to? A urologist?

An infection wouldn’t come and go. They sometimes clear on their own, but many require treatment with antibiotics. It may be due to something else. Do you wear underwear? Could the meatus be rubbing against your pants? Did you alter your PE routine to see if your manner of jelqing was doing it?

If you do see a physician, a urologist would be the best one trained in what’s normal for your urinary system.

Hey darth,
If you have discharge it may be STD or some kind of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). If you feel any pains (in your testicles, groin or lower abdomen) or if you have urinary urge go see a doctor (un urologist). Those infections can be treated easily with antibiotics and will go away in 1-2 days. But I cross my fingers for you it is not something serious.

Gud Luck

Jan 2006 > 5.9" EL; 6.4" BPEL; EG 4.9"

Feb 2006> 6.0" EL; 6.6" BPEL; EG 5.0"

Mar 2006> 6.4" EL; 7.1" BPEL; EG 5.1"

Hi darth,

I had a similar problem about a year ago it turned out it was a bladder infection.

Go to your doctors he’ll do some tests.

Hope he sorts it out man.


Hey guys thanks a lot for your concern . Appreciate it .

Hey darth,

did you go to a doctor or have you already recover ? What was the problem?

Jan 2006 > 5.9" EL; 6.4" BPEL; EG 4.9"

Feb 2006> 6.0" EL; 6.6" BPEL; EG 5.0"

Mar 2006> 6.4" EL; 7.1" BPEL; EG 5.1"


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