Thunder's Place

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Please tell me I'm doing it wrong

Please tell me I'm doing it wrong

I’ve messed around with PE for years practicing basic jelqs, stretches, and pumping occasionally. Some times I’m more frequent with it sometimes I slack, but I’m starting to feel like it will never work for me. Whenever I do excercises I get some expansion but I can never achieve that expansion even with my hardest erections, albeit minimal I am only about 4.5 inches EG and about 4.7 clamped EG and at 4.7 I’m rock hard with nowhere to go I feel like I’m way under acceptable girth and my closet goal of 6” EG is seemingly out of reach. My biggest concern is that I simply don’t have time for hour+ sessions, maybe 15-30 min daily tops. Aside from trying to find those hours upon hours I’m willing to do anything and would be forever indebted to anyone who can lead me in a progressive direction or even help me see that my goals are not out of reach. PLEASE HELP! 😫

Most likely you are not sticking long enough to a routine to actually see some results.

Hi Nissan

This sounds challenging, but I am ready to take that challenge! No guarantees for success, just speaking out of experience and a systematic mind-set.

1. Starting point
OK, we try to find a routine that lasts a maximum of 30 minutes per day. I’ll cheat on that a little, but you will tell me if it still fits in your agenda. You starting stats are great: 7.5 BPEL and 4.5 MSEG. I suppose you are already comfortable with your extraordinary length, so the focus will certainly not be on getting more of it, girth is the main focus. Some length gains may come with it, but we take them as freebies. I understand that in your eyes your dick looks too thin, length being good but girth being just at the median so well yes it may look thin.
- As you mentioned, your attempts until now were not systematic and “messing around a bit”. I think we have to change that as first point.
- If I interpret your statements right, EQ does not seem to be the problem. Nevertheless, we’ll introduce some Kegels.
- What is absolutely unknown is if you’re a “more is more” or “less is more” type. But there is a way to find out and we’ll go down that road.
- Just a little waning: the growth speed is extremely individual. So maybe you are just a slow grower or have not found the right routine. Or maybe both. But again: this can be found by being systematic.
- And finally, you did not mention your time expectation. As you said that you are on PE since years, I suppose you have the patience and mindset to go in a project that may last quite long.

2. The holistic approach
I have no clue what is your life situation. Nevertheless, I recommend to take the new attempt as overall, 360-degree approach to change yourself.
So this will include much more than “just” PE. But I am not sure if you already are doing some side training which is useful for PE.
So please can you answer me the following questions:
a) What kind of job are you in - is it physical work or office-work? Just to know how much you are moving around each day.
b) Are you doing fitness or gym on a regular base? If yes, describe precisely what you are doing?
c) How many steps do you walk per day?
d) What is your relational status? This can be important for having privacy for PE. Kids running around or a curious partner (if you’re in stealth mode) are complicating the situation.
e) At which time of the day do you have time at hand for doing 30min PE exercises? This can play a role as stress or tiredness or sleepiness level may impact the PE training.

3. The principles
I am actually working on a longer text on systematic PE, so there is much more behind in what I write here. Basically, I recommend you to use the “Systematic Newbie Routine” I am developing right now as chapter of this longer text. We’ll use it in 3 phases: frequency, intensity, methods.
- The routine in phase 1 and 2 is jelqing only, as I think this is the “basic and universal” exercise which is a low risk exercise and already works on girth.
- Just to warn you: everything is done in monthly steps, so the entire project will be long!
- Measuring is done once a month only too. No need to do it more often.
- Please keep a detailed logbook with what you did when and how and what PI’s you notice. And please update it on a daily base! And if you want perfection, include all other physical activities and nutrition details too.

3. The three-phase approach: phase 0 (yes, zero!)
Depending on what and how much you did, we start with a complete de-conditioning phase.
Maybe you can describe me the last 2-3 months of your PE activity, but as you said you’ve been “messing around” I think a 2-3 weeks decon should be sufficient. But decon there has to be, I’d recommend you strongly to start from a “clean point zero”, meaning a completely de-conditioned dick.

In addition, in phase zero we start with Kegel exercises. Not too much and not being part of other PE-traing.
Just a 5 minutes per day during which you do
- one minute of quick Kegels (pulsating rhythm, at least one contraction per second)
- 2 minutes of 5sec contractions with 5 seconds rest between
- 4x 15 second contractions with 15 seconds rest between

This Kegel mini-routine can be done wherever and whenever you find time, You just need a clock indicating seconds.
And it can be done on a daily base starting…. today!

4. The three-phase approach: phase 1
OK, so here we are: starting into a systematic routine. The goal of this routine is to find out what is the best level of training frequency your dick may take. It’s not about growth, it’s about finding the balance between how often you can do PE and your PI’s.
The routine itself is pretty simple:
- 5min warm-up (I recommend the rice sock, but anything that warms your entire genital region “from anus to bellybutton” is fine)
- 5min perineum massage (the taint, between anus and scrotum) to get the inner penis ready and well oxygenated
- 5min slow wet or dry jelqing (about 5second strokes - focus on having a good jelq where you feel the blood circulating).
- 5 min warm-down (again rice sock or similar)

That’s all, a short 20 minutes per PE training unit!

Now comes the frequency:
- 1st month: 1on/2off
- 2nd month: 2on/2off
- 3rd month: 3on/2off
- 4th month: 4on/2off
- 5th month: 5on/2off
- 6th month: 5on/2off (just a “safety month” to confirm your dick really is able to take that high frequency)

As long as all PI’s are good, progress this ramp-up in frequency month by month. So your dick will tell you if he is ready to get trained on a quite frequent base. Plus, and this is a very important effect, your mind gets conditioned too because you develop the discipline for very regular PE training.

5. The three-phase approach: phase 2
The goal of this phase is to see if you can take more intensity per PE training unit. As this progress is more intense than the previous ramp-up (basically we increase by 50% and then by 33%, so it’s pretty heavy), we take longer cycle time: 2 months.
So we start on the 5/2 frequency from month five and modify the routine.

- 7th month: add 5mins more jelqing, total training time is now 25 minutes
- 8th month: still at 10mins jelqing, total training time is now 25 minutes
- 9th month: add 5mins more jelqing, total training time is now 30 minutes
- 10th month: still at 15mins jelqing, total training time is now 30 minutes
- 11th month: add 5mins more jelqing, total training time is now 35 minutes (I told you I would cheat :-) )
- 12th month: still at 20mins jelqing, total training time is now 35 minutes

OK, so after a full year we will be at the breaking point of phase 2. This is a lot of time and we have plenty of it to discuss the decision to make for phase 3.

6. The three-phase approach: phase 3
I can’t tell you much about phase 3, because it absolutely depends on the results of phase 1 and 2. I’d say we discuss it in a year when you will be in month 11 or 12 of phase 2.
Basically phase 3 is the start to “go individual”, so to leave the rigid jelqing-only routine of phases 1 and 2. So we can have two situations:

- If you have noticeable growth from phase 1 and 2, you are in the zone of gains, so the question is why giving up a successful routine? The answer would then be just to go on with the 35min routine on a 5/2 frequency until the growth from that routine is on a plateau.
- If you have noticeable growth from phase 1 and 2, you are in the zone of gains but suspect that it could even get better with more training time. The answer would then be that you decide the return is worth the investment and increase jelqing time even more.

No growth:
- If you have no noticeable growth from phase 1 and 2, the question is what to do next?
- My suspected exercise candidate is clamping or pumping. As you already own a pump I think that would be the first attempt to do.
- Or, if you think you would prefer to have a more intense girth-exercise, clamping will be the way to go. I still recommend to start with pumping, because then you still have the more intense clamping as “means of reserve” if pumping should not work.

Just to set expectations right: in the no-growth scenario, naturally we will NOT simply replace all jeqing by pumping or clamping. Again, we will gradually ramp-up into the new target routine which will be again 30 or 35 minutes long.


You see, this is a very long road to take.

I could have made my life simple and just tell you: well, man, start pumping or clamping. I just think it’s the wrong way to recommend as jump-start and it could be very risky too.

And I am a detail-obsessed, systematic guy so I think PE should be done as any other science experiment: in a systematic way. By this, not only you minimize the risks, but you learn much faster about your dick’s individual reactions to PE. Your growth curve may not be faster, but your learning curve certainly will be. And gathering PE-wisdom is important before you making decisions about really advanced exercises like clamping.

It isn’t just what I am following as approach to PE for myself. I am pretty convinced that by being systematic, you can avoid a lot of random errors and be more successful in your individual way of PE. That’s why I am working on that guide that will appear on TP soon.


And now I am really curious how you will react to my proposed way!


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